The Sortition Party, a new Australian based party

Source: enpap_x


  1. Yeah, no. Sortition in of itself *sounds* fine until you realise that there is a non-zero chance for the chosen candidates to not represent the electorate at large.

    The proposal here is also limiting selection based on education and aptitude, which historically in the US has prevented blacks from voting during segregation. I would imagine something very similar would be the case here with regard to Indigenous Australians.

  2. CMDR_RetroAnubis on


    “**Academic Screening:** Candidates must have achieved a distinction average (75% or higher) in their studies”

  3. Is the Sortition Party the new Sustainable Australia Party?

    Even Max Chandler-Mather knows you can’t just build a website and expect votes.

  4. That’s a bad name. It immediately lacks appeal on that front alone and I don’t even know what they support yet.

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