MAGA Republicans Pass New Election Rules in Georgia That Could Rig the State for Trump |
“We’re so far off the deep end of sanity here.”

Source: Murky-Site7468


  1. sugarlessdeathbear on

    As intended Republicans are working to destroy faith in our elections. Like they’re enemies of the state or something.

  2. Just some background
    No word on making voters names public

    But they are requiring hand counting before certification. More time and labor for exhausted poll workers, more room for mistakes, more room for Trump to sew confusion and overall more time to certify, thus more room to throw to the courts

  3. Counting millions of votes is an impossibly inefficient ineffective and harmful path to go down. That will take weeks.
    To say or even argue this somehow makes the election fair is disingenuous and idiotic on all counts

    I’ll say it and keep saying. There is not one single Republican policy that isn’t meant to harm someone. They do not care about this country and don’t actually want it to succeed.

  4. Georgie shut down their own voter registration website on the night of the debate for “maintenance”

  5. >The board did, however, vote 4-1 against counting ballots by hand during early voting

    This is the giveaway, they want to bottleneck as many ballots as possible into the shortest amount of time so that the certification deadline elapses. With the predetermined end result being not certifying election results. 

    They’re being sued right now, I’m still reasonably hopeful this will get swatted down. The Department of Justice needs to crawl all the way up the asses of these cultists right now, they’ll find evidence that they’ve been conspiring to achieve this predetermined result, to commit federal election fraud.

  6. “Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything. ” – Joseph Stalin

  7. How much can the GOP get away with before we realize that the Republican party is as anti-American as any terrorist group.

  8. not-my-other-alt on

    Where the fuck is Merrick Garland and why have these people not been charged with election interefence yet?

  9. This whole hand/machine count thing is so stupid.

    It would be easy to make both camps happy, but nobody wants to bother trying.

    Here’s what you do: modify and or build a counting machine so that it *sorts* the votes into piles of “for trump” and “for kamala” and “for someone else”.

    Now you go through by each pile by hand to do nothing more than check to see if the ballot is the same as all the other ballots in the pile, and if there’s one that doesn’t belong, then move it to the other pile. (There shouldn’t be any.)

    Then, when you are done, run the stack back through the machine — you’ve just checked that every ballot in the pile is for Trump/Kamala, so the machine should report a 100% vote for that candidate along with how many. You can check the “how many” against your hand count. You can also use an alternative page counting machine to double check the page count if you want to do it that way, so long as it’s also run through the voting machine to check that all the votes are in the right piles.

    If there is an oddball ballot that reads in the machine incorrectly, you can deal with that. (There won’t be.) Everybody is happy because the people that checked by hand know that every vote in the pile is for one person or the other, everybody that wants a machine vote is happy because the pile checked by hand is run back through the machine to verify there’s no hanky panky going on.

    Is it wasteful and stupid to go through all this effort? I think so. But if that’s what it takes to keep us from devolving into civil war, I’ll take it.

  10. The only candidate who has tried to steal an election in Georgia is Donald J Trump. Even if they do a hand count and it shows he lost,  he will just accuse the counters of being Democrats. This will never end.

  11. It’s weak sauce, but if we push every other state and make Georgia EC count unneeded then it doesn’t matter. Just get out and vote everywhere

  12. 2.47 million votes 2020. At 1 voted counted endlessly per second, it would take 686 hours or about 86 worker days. Don’t see how that would be a problem.💤

  13. The Robert’s SCOTUS gutted Section 4 of The Voting Rights Act in which John Roberts claimed racism is over. Therefor, states that were subjected to pre clearance for any changes effecting voting rights quickly began instituting draconian policy so as to limit minority voting rights.

  14. >“We’re so far off the deep end of sanity here,” Sara Tindall Ghazal, the board’s lone Democratic member, who voted against the rule changes, told me. “It’s a terrible, terrible idea to do this sort of thing with no notice, no training.”

    More like “off the deep end of” criminality would be more accurate as far as the Republican criminal enterprise is concerned. The Republicans fascist face masks are off in their blatant and open attempts to steal the 2024 election while falsely accusing the Dems of the same.

  15. I cannot wait for Marc Elias to get involved in this and tear into everyone involved. I cannot imagine he, or his firm, will let this go unchecked. Especially after he gets rid of the bullshit going on in Chapel Hill, then he can hammer this garbage on top of the other garbage he just wrapped up in Georgia.

  16. At least Biden is in office this time… and has immunity from any official decision he makes. I don’t want a dictator, but if I have to choose between the two of them

  17. Rules aren’t laws. These rules will be challenged in court and will be overturned. This is asinine.

  18. Maybe I am just ignorant, but it seems crazy to me that a state can set different voting rules for a national/federal election.

    Like if you want some crazy BS state election fine .. states rights and all that. But National/Federal votes should be standardized across all states to ensure every citizen has equal voting rights

  19. Is it time to panic yet??? This is exactly the type of thing I saw coming. This is how we get screwed over. They are going to steal the election and we can’t fix it. They are going to win and we’re going to be fucked.

    I can’t work with this. No matter how many dems vote they aren’t going to let us win. They are going to fuck us over and we aren’t going to win. This is ridiculous and I don’t know what to do anymore.

    And don’t say vote. I’m voting. My friends are voting. Everyone I know is voting. It they’re making it so our votes don’t count.

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