Carson Jerema: The Trudeau-Singh coalition lives; The NDP ‘ripped’ up its agreement with the Liberals, only to piece it back together

Source: FancyNewMe


  1. ProofByVerbosity on

    Disagree. Not opting for a vote of non-confidence which doesn’t benefit NDP at all isn’t the same as a coalition. Is the Bloq part of the coalition as well then?

  2. Are the other parties supposed to be like the conservatives and blindly be against the libs on everything? Like don’t we want our parties to be able to work together? Why would the other parties even want to trigger an election right now and lose power?

  3. He stood there saying over and over to every question asked “I have no confidence in this government. “

  4. It’s honestly quite interesting how Canadian politics contrasts American politics.

    The U.S. generally has a sense of urgency to act as a recession is looming and pushing for active change (ie cleaning up specific cities, pushing for return to office to save dying commercial real estate loans, etc.). Likely in part due to how money and corporate driven the country is.

    Whereas in Canada, the country has basically been in a recession for well over a year when measured by gdp per capita and high Unemployment – youth unemployment is on track to compete with the dying European countries. And despite all that, it’s a miracle how nothing is done to solve relatively simple problems (ie halt the asylum, student visa abuse, etc).

  5. This writer seems to lack a proper civics education, or is purposely pushing misinformation. There is no coalition government in Canada.

    We can disagree with the supply-and-confidence agreement, we can disagree with the Liberal government, we can fairly critique Singh for his actions, but we should also be accurate with our words.

  6. This is what people say who never understood it in the first place. So stupid. They just do it on a bill by bill basis now with no blanket support. But yeah maybe think it will trigger an election and then at some more glue.

  7. Thewolfofsesamest on

    The end result will be lower polling for the NDP. Unless Pierre steps on his dick or otherwise shits the bed the 2025 election is already over. This is the most relevant Jagmeet will ever be.

  8. That scene where Michael Scott crumples up a $5 bill, rendering it worthless, to prove how serious he is.

    Then puts the crumpled $5 bill back in his pocket.

  9. Singh withdrew from the agreement to support the Liberal government. He did NOT say he wanted to bring the government down at the earliest opportunity. His point is that if the Liberals want his support they’re going to have to be something he wants to support.

    On the other hand, Poilevre has proposed nothing that the NDP would want to support. And why oh why does he seem to believe that the NDP is feeling they want to do him any favors?

  10. TravisBickle2020 on

    Why should the NDP support this conservative motion? If an election is called, the Pharmacare bill is dead. Pretty straightforward.

  11. DirtbagSocialist on

    Why would the NDP support the Conservatives vote of non confidence? It would basically guarantee that the Conservatives would win the next election and they’re opposed to everything the NDP wants to accomplish.

    They’re not gonna win an election anytime soon so it makes sense to hold their noses and work with the Liberals.

  12. Can we just fuck off with the opinion pieces? The NDP are doing terribly Federally, in what world do they want an election right now.

    It’s like being shocked that someone doesn’t want to voluntarily shoot themselves in the foot.

    Barely qualifies as news.

  13. Why would the NDP trigger an election so the PC win? Somebody please tell me how that would help their voting base who are as far away from the PC ideals as you can get in Canada….For the NDP yes JT is a bad PM but PP will be far far worse for their voting base.

    So yes they want to “distance” themselves from JT but not at the expense of giving PP power sooner.

  14. Superb-Respect-1313 on

    The NDP doesn’t want an election any sooner then the Liberals do. Justin is here to stay for awhile.

  15. yes. because as bad as the liberals are screwing the NDP over, theyre his last chance at any meaningful semblance of NDP influencing canadian policies when pierre wins.

    Principles vs pragmatism. pragmatism always wins.

  16. Kind of weird that the Conservatives expect people to call an election when they’re going to win and are then shocked that nobody’s going to call an election they’re going to win.  Almost like they believe they’re the only party that’s allowed to act in its own self-interest or something.

  17. Of course it does. It was just a political show ripping up the agreement. They will still support the LPC on every non-confidence vote. That way they can still tell NDP supporters that are angry at Trudeau that they are no longer supporting him….even though they are.

  18. “Omg why isn’t the NDP and Bloc parties stupid in giving me a majority government right now” – PP

  19. Anyone who is NDP knows that an election today would mean a conservative majority. No one likes the Liberals right now, but NDP supporters know that we need to wait for pharmacare to pass and for dental care to roll out so that all our gains aren’t lost the second the cons take the lead.

  20. Maybe the NDP, Block, and Green party have a little confidence in the federal govt, but absolutely none for the CPC!

  21. Man_Bear_Beaver on

    Makes sense to me… The deal to get dental etc with the Liberals killed his reputation, but PP will tear down what he sacrificed his reputation for so while he has no confidence it’s his best move.

  22. By the sounds of it the Ndp had a stronger bargaining position because the liberals shit the bed. I’d tear up the agreement and renegotiate too.

  23. Conservatives don’t get it. You can dislike Trudeau but hate Poilievre. Lesser of the two. Would be a moron to trust Conservatives.

  24. Not supporting Poiliviere’s perfomative confidence vote is not the same thing as supporting the government.

  25. What would be funny is that Trudeau goes back on Pharmacare and stop the dental program to see how much of a big man he is

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