The Canada fund for Local Initiatives sends money to China

Source: DeepfriedWings


  1. I love how our part of our foreign aid is to push the agenda of 4% of canadians (half of which probably don’t even agree with how batshit crazy the message of the LGBTQS+ are lately) to countries who will never accept it anyway and costs us 27 million dollars.

    Another fantastic use of our taxes.

  2. Ok_Cauliflower6524 on

    we have enough foreigners in our land – maybe the $8.4Billion in foreign aid we spend every year should stay here imho

  3. I dont understand. So the conservatives wants to support hunan rights in China:

    Opposition MPs called for an immediate end to all foreign aid to China, a “Communist dictatorial government that abuses human rights.”

    But they don’t want us to use these funds to support human rights (LGBTS) in China?

    Am I understanding this right? What if we used these funds to support Christian rights group? Will the conservatives be happy then? I mean, I assume it is because they dont want LGBTs rights to be supported, that’s why this is being brought up.

  4. Appropriate_Item3001 on

    We cannot afford to keep throwing money into the garbage for international affairs. We are already doing enough by importing millions of people into this country. We need to spend those billions of dollars in this country so the average Canadian can thrive.

    I used to be proud to be Canadian. The level of corruption and incompetence that destroyed this once great country is so disheartening.

  5. >Records say that Ottawa continues to send foreign aid to China in a fund to promote LGBTQ rights according to Blacklock’s Reporter.

    I see nothing wrong with this. It’s a relatively small amount of money, and if it helps normalize LGBTQ rights around the world then I’m fine with that.

  6. I am Chinese and trans. I don’t know what that money spent on…… our living situation just worsens.

  7. Are we surprised? Just another give away of Canadian taxpayer funds to foreign Countries so Trudeau can be seen as a ” World Leader” and not the buffoon he is lacking in an substantial leadership skills.

  8. Beneficial_Life_3617 on

    Is this suprising to anyone? we have literal intelligence reports showing certain individuals are colluding or have been influenced by Chinese agents. Trudeau is actively keeping the names of those individuals secret. We’re going to vote for those individuals again while our own prime minister refuses to let us know who they are.

    It should be no surprise the policy makers that are working with China are sending money there.

  9. Liberals have wrecked whatever the hell we were before. I was born here and if I didn’t have kids I would have moved away ages ago. Hate what it’s become.

  10. Gotta love the comments here about how foreign aid is some liberal only thing, like we didn’t try and help other countries under previous conservative governments….


  11. Long Story short, Canada is funding LGBTQ2S. rights initiative in China. Unsure what purpose it is for to profess these views in China.

  12. How about use the funds to build more homes, feed the currently tens of thousand of homeless, pour it into healthcare…….etc…. Nah we’ll just spend it on trying to make China love lgbtq 👍🏻👍🏻

  13. InherentlyMagenta on

    Ahh yes Toronto Sun quoting the Blacklock Reporter.

    An infamous tabloid physical copy shit-rag quoting off a internet paywall shit rag that are known for copyright trolling.

    Ya’ll got any more of that Liberatarian Consevative thinktank articles from Fraser Institute about how tobacco doesn’t cause cancer too? /s

  14. GracefulShutdown on

    Lots of our Resident non-Canadians send money outside of our country, why does our government need to top that money up?

  15. What’s more Canadian than sending money abroad that could be spent at home? It’s the basis of our foreign indentured worker programs too. The big national banks advertise services that make it easier too!

  16. Because of course it does. How in the world does shit like this even happen? Why are we spending money pissing in the wind?

  17. Massive-Remote8460 on

    China is the foremost manufacturing power in the world, the children of your children will be sending money to China for the foreseeable future.

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