Donald “America’s Hitler” Trump Gives Supporters the Green Light to Blame Jews If He Loses in November | He did this at an event on antisemitism.

Source: plz-let-me-in


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  2. Started with “Jews will not replace us” and a woman being hit by a car at Charlottesville and trump called those Nazis “fine people”.

    Now we are at the “blame the Jews if I lose” phase. I pray lives are spared.

  3. He was always going to turn on Jews once the Fourth Reich was declared, and MAGA has always hated them.

  4. Sounds like he got his events confused again, this one was supposed to be an appeal to jews for support. The anti-jewish, pro-nazi rally was scheduled for later.

  5. > At a campaign event on Thursday that was—wait for it—about *denouncing antisemitism*, the GOP nominee for president told the audience: “If I don’t win this election…the Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss.” The ex-president baselessly claimed that Kamala Harris, who is married to a Jewish man, “hates Israel,” while he is “the best friend Jewish Americans have ever had in the White House.”

    And then Trump goes on to complain that he always loses the Jewish vote in elections. Well, maybe he should start with a little introspection (not that he’s ever done that in his life): Maybe Jewish voters don’t like antisemitism and when you blame them for all your problems? That seems pretty reminiscent of another politician (who was once a failed artist).

  6. This guy doesn’t care about America or anyone besides himself like at all.

    He will say anything and everything just so that he could then say – I told you so.

  7. Remember when comparing others to Hitler and Nazism was kinda off limits? Then came Trump and the comparisons became unavoidably obvious.

  8. “That’s a lie! I’ll kill you! *I’ll kill ALL of you! ESPECIALLY THE MEMBERS OF THE JURY!!*”

  9. Fun Fact: the picture accompanying this story is extremely similar to the final gesture of “Germany’s Hitler.”

  10. Seems like that was the alt-right plan from the beginning–anticipate a Trump loss and blame it on Jewish betrayal and malfeasance and then transform MAGA back into good old-fashioned anti-Semitism.  They postponed the original plan because the ratfuckery from the NY FBI field office helped Trump beat Clinton, but now that Trump is behind in polls they’re going back to the original playbook.

  11. I think we should all make schwastika signs that say Trump and put them outside of every poling place. Grass roots style. Let everyone know exactly who he is.

  12. Maybe he was just trying to provide some examples of anti-semitism so people knew what to be on the lookout for

  13. Fusion_allthebonds on

    He casts a very big blame net. He has so far blamed every group that any fascist does to harden and enflame his followers. 

  14. A lot of the comments here are losing the nuance of this. American conservatives are happy to be allies of American Jews willing to agree with them politically. But 70% of them in modern times are Democrats. He is going to basically do like Conservatives did to Kerry when he was Obama’s Secretary of State and label them as Judas’s, and traitors to their own kind. Which is extremely Nazi like- dont forget they blamed Germany losing WW1 on the “November Criminals” who protested and striked at factories to end the war, in alliance with Jews.

  15. Acceptable-Row-4315 on

    This is completely coherent with his stance prior to October 7th (and probably always). His support of Netanyahu and fomenting of violence, and his leveraging the ensuing conflict to generate division at home, was always inherently in the works. Trump is merely showing his hand as he feebly attempts to manipulate the interface.

    Let’s not let him—vote BLUE, 2024.

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