Hillary Clinton: ‘It would be exhilarating to see Kamala Harris achieve the breakthrough I didn’t’

Source: WhileFalseRepeat


  1. I don’t think making this about race or gender is going to help Harris. She is doing a good job of making this about Trump and his (lack of) policy. I think that is the path to victory.

  2. Don’t make those about historic breakthroughs. This is about the economy. …. And democracy and world stability, in general.

  3. I know that I’m a fucking downer, but I can’t foresee a reality beyond Nov 7 that isn’t chaotic and dangerous.

    Either Trump wins and he begins to reshape the government to enact bloody revenge on his enemies, or Trump loses and he foments an insurrection and we start to see domestic terror attacks in state capitols.

  4. If she’d been elected instead of Donald Trump back when it mattered we would have all been better off for it.

  5. I don’t love her, but it’s an article about her memoirs, and the reality of the first woman president. People need to get a grip.

  6. Wow. Sometimes I think some of y’all have more contempt for Hilary than any terrible politician you know of.

  7. Hillary would have been the most experienced president we’ve ever had.

    Hillary Clinton Accomplishments :


    * Myanmar transition
    * Iran nuclear deal framework
    * Israel/Hamas peace agreement/ceasefire
    * Promoting LGBT rights in Africa as SOS
    * HIV/AIDS testing and treatment through Clinton Foundation partnership with ANTIAIDS and the Victor Pinchuk Foundation in Ukraine
    * Launched Global Hunger and Food Security program
    * Saved Turkish-Armenian accord
    * Co-sponsored Afghan Women and Children Relief Act of 2001
    * Co-sponsored Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act of 2001
    * Co-sponsored Democratic Republic of the Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act of 2006
    * Co-sponsored Iraq Reconstruction Accountability Act of 2006
    * Co-sponsored Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006


    * Expanded the Family Medical Leave Act to include national guard/reservist
    * Co-sponsor of Prevention First Act (family planning)
    * Secretly changed State Department policy to include same sex couples in Diplomat benefits package.
    * Lead group investigating 9/11-related illnesses in first responders (her Senate successor ended up passing her bill).
    * Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
    * Helped increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma for NIH
    * Helped investigate Gulf War Syndrome
    * Co-sponsored Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 2008
    * Co-sponsored ALS Registry Act
    * Co-sponsored Poison Center Support, Enhancement, and Awareness Act of 2008
    * Co-sponsored Veterans’ Mental Health and Other Care Improvements Act of 2008


    * Built Arkansas’s Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth
    * Reformed Arkansas’ education system as chair of the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee
    * Established standards for mandatory teacher testing as well as state standards for curriculum and classroom size in place (against claims of conservatives)
    * Co-sponsored Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006


    * Instrumental in bringing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site’s redevelopment
    * Established family compensation/small business loan programs
    * Co-sponsored Procedural Fairness for September 11 Victims Act of 2007


    * Helped create Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice
    * Helped pass Adoption and Safe Families Act, legislation that eased the removal of children from abusive situations.
    * Helped pass Foster Care Independence Act
    * Supported and promoted the passage and rollout of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), which expanded health insurance for children in lower-income families.
    * Co-sponsored Native American Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Technical Amendment Act of 2001
    * Co-sponsored Pediatric Research Equity Act of 2003
    * Co-sponsored PREEMIE Act
    * Co-sponsored Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007
    * This is considered by many to one of the turning points of international women’s rights – In 1995, during an unprecedented address in Beijing to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, Hillary recounted worldwide abuses and declared “It is time for us to say here in Beijing, and for the world to hear, that it is no longer acceptable to discuss women’s rights as separate from human rights.”


    * Staff attorney for the Children’s Defense Fund in Cambridge
    * Board member of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action
    * Legal work at the Yale Child Study Center for child abuse
    * Volunteer at New Haven Legal Services
    * Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic
    * Chair of the American Bar Association’s Commission on Women in the Profession

    Political Career:

    * Researcher on migrant worker problems – Subcommittee on Migrant Labor.
    * Jimmy Carter’s Indiana director of field operations
    * Chaired Arkansas’ Rural Health Advisory Committee, working to expand medical facilities for the poor
    * Chair of the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee
    * Chair of Presidential Task Force on National Health Care Reform


    * Wrote Count Every Vote Act of 2005
    * Co-sponsored re-introducing the Equal Rights Amendment (held up)

    More legislation (that became law)

    * Co-sponsored Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009
    * Co-sponsored Methamphetamine Production Prevention Act of 2008
    * Co-sponsored PROTECT Our Children Act of 2008
    * Co-sponsored KIDS Act of 2008
    * Co-sponsored Broadband Data Improvement Act
    * Co-sponsored Appalachian Regional Development Act Amendments of 2008
    * Co-sponsored Healthy Start Reauthorization Act of 2007
    * Co-sponsored Hematological Cancer Research Investment and Education Act of 2002
    * Co-sponsored Persian Gulf War POW/MIA Accountability Act of 2002
    * Co-sponsored FHA Downpayment Simplification Act of 2002
    * Co-sponsored Strengthen AmeriCorps Program Act
    * Co-sponsored 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act

  8. JFC people she is being asked about her memoir. I know…you can’t stand her, but jeez… take it easy.

  9. Complaintsdept123 on

    I feel so sorry for HIllary. She won the popular vote by millions of votes, she was the most qualified by far, she had detailed policy proposals that she was busily explaining to everyone the way we used to do during campaigns. But those days are over. Kamala has figured out people don’t care about policies or interviews, it’s all about vibes. Trump marked the beginning of the idiocracy in this country.

  10. astrozombie2012 on

    I wish I hadn’t fallen for the anti-Hillary hate that was present here on Reddit and other social media. I voted for her because the alternative was clearly an absolute nightmare. But what gets to me the most is that I had a hand in believing and sharing all the false information and lies that were spread, that I gobbled up every fucking piece of bait they sent my way. It’s humiliating and makes me feel gross. I’ve since learned a lot, I’ve come to be a bit more thoughtful and thorough about my media intake, to vet sources and not believe things at their face value. It helped me to grow, I just wish I had realized what was happening then. We all owe her an apology, she wasn’t the candidate many of us wanted, but she really deserved better from all of us.

  11. Could I understand Hillary saying this? 100 percent. Just because she said it doesn’t mean it’s her main message. The media writes the headlines.

  12. I look forward to the day when a whole generation can look back and wonder wtf was wrong with people, and why in the world there was ever a “glass ceiling” to begin with. It’s never made any sense to me.

  13. There are occasions where I’ll be aimlessly thinking about things and the thought will pop into my head that “holy shit, we most likely are getting our first woman President”. It’s pretty dang neat.

  14. I remember people saying Hillary was unlikable and other stuff. But she did win the popular vote, so it wasn’t like voters didn’t want her as President. She ran a shit campaign by taking for granted the states she thought she had in the bag. 

    Plus, I feel it can’t be underestimated just how much free media coverage Trump gets just by being outrageous. No matter how much the media says they’ll not fall for Trump’s latest crazy behavior, they love it because it sells ads. 

  15. mental_library_ on

    Yes!! 💙🇺🇸 Kamala’s presidency would not only be great for the American people because she is an intelligent, educated, and competent leader…but it would be a HISTORIC presidency as well! Go Kamala!!

  16. The “vote for me because of my gender” strategy didn’t work in 2016. I’m glad that Harris isn’t following Hillary’s path.

  17. Hillary really doesn’t have a feeling for the general public but I believe that she would’ve been a good president for what the country actually needed.

  18. Well, I can see a lot of people here in this sub certainly aren’t going to vote for Clinton in this election. Way to blow it Hillary!

  19. If this comment section shows anything, it’s how deeply sexist many American voters – even who claim to be progressive and in the left – still are. And how easy it is to get them spinning into hysteria when women discuss being women or black people discuss being black.

  20. If you read the article, this is about promoting her book. It’s not her trying to make the election into a vote for Kamala because she’s a woman.

    It’s relevant to her memoir, that’s all.

  21. icouldusemorecoffee on

    Glass (or in the case of the US, concrete) ceilings can take a long time to break. IF Harris wins, it will have been due to 2 things, 1) the votes and activists, and 2) every woman who’s run for state and national elections prior.

  22. alien_from_Europa on

    >In this excerpt from her new memoir, the former US presidential candidate admits wondering how she’d feel if another woman ‘broke the highest, hardest glass ceiling’

    This is from her book; **not** from the campaign trail.

  23. new_for_confession on

    To be honest, VP Harris being a woman of color was the last thing on my mind.

    She’s qualified, mature, has significant legal background, served in government, and has a functional understanding of the American Government and its processes.

    She is qualified. Trump basically was none of those things.

    Hillary Clinton is/was an insufferable person (I’m originally from NY)…and we need to get past the “it’s her turn” and focus on qualifications.

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