North Korea’s Kim Jong-un labels China a ‘longstanding enemy’ amid rising tensions – The Korea Daily

Source: uniyk


  1. > in early 2015, Kim stated that while the U.S. and Japan had been longstanding rivals for 100 years, China was an even more longstanding enemy for 5,000 years.

    Un: “The US is an enemy by this much [holds hands 1″ apart], but China is an enemy *this* much [holds hands all the way apart]”

  2. Hey Kim? Without China the US would have wiped out your little regime from the face of the earth in fifties.

    But please go on. I don`t have any propblems if they have beef

  3. I’m both awed at China’s impotence to keep their protectorate in line for most of the history but especially now, and NK’s audacity to say “fuck you” to EVERYONE in the world even his feeding hand 

  4. Hmm this does not seem like a good idea for him. It seems being nuclear capable has gone straight to his ego. I don’t think he realizes it would be almost impossible for him to deploy a nuclear missile. World superpowers are very good at tracking these weapons / silos. I’m pretty sure they have satellite imagining that even shows the radioactive materials making it very easy to spot.

  5. SoUnProfessional on

    That’s strange, I thought China was a the number one trading partner? China is a major export market for non-weapons.

  6. I think it’s posturing….
    Follow the money…and I’m sure all will be revealed.

    No way they can ever walk away from China….

    Not in this century anyway…..

  7. China is less hostile to North Korea than the rest of the countries, but does not mean that it is friendly. For example, he supports UN sanctions on North Korea.

    For China, North Korea is nothing more than an uncomfortable neighbor. They try not to anger him too much (like the USA does) but without being allies. China would instead like to have a capitalist country (such as south Korea) as a neighbor with which it can trade extensively.

    In the end, although China’s speech says that they like left-wing/communist countries, in reality they prefer and do business with right-wing countries. In the same way, although the USA sells itself as the great standard-bearer of free trade, as soon as a rival appears, it applies all the protectionist and dirty measures it can think of, whether legal or not.

  8. I don’t see this news anywhere credible and the website seems to be down right now. Does anyone have a link to the source for this?

    I find it hard to believe given the previous rhetoric earlier this year of unbreakable friendships

  9. What? Isn’t that like one of 2 friends they have? Is this like a mistranslation that the article writer decided to run with or something lol


  11. Lol, without the Chinese North Korea wouldn’t exist. Not only that: they’d starve without Chinese food imports.

  12. Yeah I’m calling BS on this as much as I’d love it to be true it’s just too methy a comment for Kimmy to have made

  13. xmu5jaxonflaxonwaxon on

    Doesn’t matter what The Kims say about China.

    China will prop them up or their successor just to keep a buffer state between NK and their border.

  14. To be fair, China is everybody’s enemy. 

    The country bordering 9 other nations and having border disputes with 14.

    The country enforcing the idea of secular humiliation that needs to be corrected by worldwide domination. 

  15. DrummerDouble2198 on

    Damn and china gave them so much hand-me downs too after the Soviet collapse, Xi must be feeling a little salty rn

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