Mr. Trudeau, we’re still waiting for the names of those who collude against us

Source: uselesspoliticalhack


  1. weatheredanomaly on

    Seeing as he is likely one of them, they’re going to try their best to prevent that from happening.

  2. I think its insane they are pushing the Russia story so hard when we still don’t know the names of the 11 MPs where there is actually evidence they colluded against Canada

  3. Forward_Age6247 on

    You won’t get the names, but there is some great news – interest rates are coming down!1!1

  4. Those names will not come out under this government since he would lose quite a few of his MPs.

    We know the Liberals are heavily implicated in this since if it was just the CPC or NDP, they would have leaked the list to their news org the CBC a long time ago

  5. Why doesn’t the editorial board of the Globe ask their lapdog Fife for the names? Since they’ve revealed them before, I don’t see why not now… Oh yeah, they’re afraid of getting sued.

  6. The prime minister is not responsible for judicial proceedings.This is squarely on CSIS/RCMP the Crown deciding to prosecute. A PM inserting themselves in the decision would be gross abuse of power.

  7. Do we even have a media in this country? They’d be screaming blue murder if the Conservatives were hiding the names of traitors in our parliament. It’s just unbelievable.

  8. I would want all the details, not just the names, but what they did, when they did it and who with. This is serious and requires thorough investigation so nobody can manipulate the facts.

    I would rather wait and be well informed than half a bunch of partial details and assumptions.

    I would also like that someone who wants to run this country be able to pass a security check, but hey what do I know.

  9. If you saw Elizabeth May’s speech on CPAC, it becomes pretty obvious that there’s a shoe about to drop and it’s probably on PP. They got the receipts…

  10. EgyptianNational on

    Liberals and conservatives are implicated because both don’t look closely enough at donations and are both intellectually and morally corrupt enough to accept donations(or bribes) for anything, even if contrary to their values.

    China and Russia did a bit. But it’s mostly coming from the US and Israel. And there isn’t anything either party is willing to do about it.

    Saved you an investigation.

  11. yeah wow, it’s almost like the investigations are still ongoing, and they can’t reveal anything because if they did, then the people who are suspected of collusion, and anyone else who may be involved, will know the progress of the investigation, and will be able to say…delete/destroy crucial evidence, or at the very least they’ll know to be far more careful than they have been

  12. Can’t believe this just got swept under the carpet. This should be a huge deal that leads to arrests. WE HAVE TRAITORS IN THE GOVERNMENT

  13. I’m worried they’ll continue to blame youtubers and try to make us forget about this being a thing.

  14. Not a serious country anymore.
    If we would be in Europe let’s say, probably we wouldn’t meet certain criteria to be admitted in EU.( corruption, no transparency, no accountability, waste of public funds, dubious relationships with terorist organizations and dictatorial states, no enforcement on the existing laws and bylaws, etc).

    Liberal gov is actively working against the best interests of the Canadian citizens

  15. iamtayareyoutaytoo on

    They are saving it for an election where we will learn all about the way the convoy people, save the children grotesques, evangelicals and conjobs have been working with, funded by and or duped by russia.

  16. MusclyArmPaperboy on

    Maybe this sub needs no opinion pieces on weekdays either. They dominate the homepage every weekday.

  17. Further proof we live in a 🍌 Republic.

    At this point they know they can get away with murder.

    Fucking hell.

  18. How many active investigations release all of the details of a case?
    Oh ya, none!

    My god people are stupid.

  19. Perhaps if Mr. Poilievre had his security clearance he would have some insight into this and other issues of national security.

  20. Above the law has nothing to do with his record with human rights violations and breach of trust as well. IS it at the level of organized crime . Looks bad from the common man’s morals .

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