What the hell Is going on when it’s cheaper to buy Tim tams (imported from Australia) in a posh supermarket in the UK than in Coles?

Source: crunchy666nuts


  1. Truth_Learning_Curve on

    I’m no expert, but I’d say it would have something to do with supply lines, stock levels in a particular locality, manufacturing locations and possibly trade agreements and contracts.

  2. They just keep tweaking the price to shake out all the paper hands sitting on the sidelines. The spice must flow.

  3. White_Immigrant on

    I can think of two factors. First is that wages all along the supply chain in the UK are much lower. Second it’s much easier and cheaper to distribute things around the countries. Remember the non offer price is also the equivalent of $5, which is hardly a bargain for a packet of penguins without the jokes.

    Edit: Admittedly the chocolate on Tim Tams is superior to Penguins, but I wouldn’t buy the Tim Tams as a protest against the damage done to UK farming and waterways by Australian corporations. Also Tim Tams don’t have jokes.

  4. Routine-Roof322 on

    Arnott’s biscuits are awful. I had the misfortune of trying their Scotch Finger biscuits recently when the real shortbread was sold out. I wouldn’t bother at any price.

  5. Significant-Range987 on

    Because they are shit and don’t compare to products in other countries. Tim tams are not popular around the world

  6. GaryTheGuineaPig on

    That moment when you realise that coles and woolies are overcharging you!

    Cosco sell them for $1.41 per 100g Woolworths are $3.00 per 100g.

    Costco are still making profit on that price, Woolworths are tekkin’ the piss

  7. We had laws to fix this. They were introduced during the Vietnam war by Fraser. They were weakened by Keating and removed by Howard. Just settle down, the market will solve all our problems.

  8. The market controls the price. People in Australia are willingly paying $6 and so that’s what the sell for. They’re relatively unknown brand in the Uk so people will spend less.

  9. The-truth-hurts1 on

    Is so they can discount them to “half price” every 3 weeks .. then people bulk buy them.. they pick up some sales at the higher price as well .. just marketing

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