Believe the numbers, not the premier: Doug Ford’s unemployment numbers are worse than when he took over from Kathleen Wynne

Source: 0h-Canada


  1. How do those numbers stack up to our population growth subsidized by rapid immigration?

    After that you can factor in TFWs and foreign students…

  2. Yeah well it’s been pretty clear the only problem he wants to fix is how rich he can make himself, his friends and conservative allies.

    Remember all those people who died in LTC homes from Covid due to horrendous treatment and cleanliness? Remember how instead of charging any companies or people or making legislation to improve them he and the conservative moved to make it impossible to sue the companies running them? Yeah. He doesn’t care about things like employment numbers.

  3. PlaintainForScale on

    How exactly do ‘the numbers’ of newcomers to Canada compare now to Kathleen Wynne’s tenure?

    Or does this opinion piece not touch on that?

  4. OneConference7765 on

    Talk about lack of critical thinking! wow

    Lets compare apples to oranges, then say we are comparing the exact same thing.

  5. ghost_n_the_shell on

    Lots to blame on Ford. This isn’t one.
    This is largely fallout due to Libs asinine immigration numbers, which are designed to suppress wages, while exacerbating our housing affordability issue.

    Speaking of Wynne:

    Never forget this nugget:

    Ontario Liberals paid $10,000 to have gas plant data erased: OPP

  6. But sexual assaults have doubled, probably just a coincidence and nothing to do with importing a bunch of single men from a country known for misogyny…

  7. Wynne’s Liberals Place to cap on the amount of international students that colleges ​could admit.

    at some point or another ​Doug Ford’s government lifted it. Then once things got bad he pulled his typical flip-flop and reinstated the cap.

    Hrd to find headlines of them lifting the cap. Really easy to find headlines of them reinstating it.

  8. Yeah the Feds are dumping hundreds of thousands of no skill folks from places like India right into Ontario so its not the Ontario governments fault. This would be the same if the OLP or god help us the ONDP was in power.

  9. atticusfinch1973 on

    Would be great if either the Liberals or the NDP had a leader that was actually visible and trying to gain support. It’s like they don’t even exist.

  10. It’s too bad there wasn’t an opposition party that could draw attention to all his failures and corrupt efforts to enrich himself under he guise of privatization.

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