Canada Post mail carrier suspended for refusing to deliver ‘sex-change ban’ flyer: union rep

Source: Business_Influence89


  1. CP are idiots. When I was a letter carrier, I was told we could get fired for not delivering flyers, as it is the #1 source of their revenue. Guess I would have been suspended also cuz there’s no way I would have delivered such bullshit propaganda. Cheers to this carrier for not backing down.

  2. Like it or not, we’re paid to not have an opinion between 9 and 5 (or whatever your shift is).

    And to play devil’s advocate…withholding information (no matter how dumb said information is) is restricting someone from making an informed decision. You can’t tell someone something is wrong…then you’re just playing the other sides’ game.

  3. Responsible_Dot2085 on

    Of course they should be suspended. We do not pay mail carriers to insert their opinions about what letters they like and don’t like, and play gatekeeper for everyone else. If they can’t separate their opinions from their job then they aren’t qualified to do it, full stop.

  4. This is hate speech, hate speech is illegal, our national mail service should not deliver hate speech. These flyers never should have been in the mail carrier’s bag in the first place. 

  5. Suspended all day long. So long as the material meets CPs unaddressed admail guidelines, employee needs to deliver it. You can’t have a delivery person choosing what to do based on their beliefs. What if it was a pack of condoms m? Carrier doesn’t believe in contraception – they can refuse to deliver? Of course not.

  6. Could you imagine if more postal workers took initiative and took a stand like this? We’d have nobody left to stuff our mailboxes with fliers and junk mail!

  7. Did they hand out a notice that people could pick up the flyer at a postal outlet? I mean that’s what they do with packages, they don’t even knock on the door 

  8. Reminds me of a time when I got that flyer with photos of aborted fetuses.

    Thanks for that, but your religious dogma can go fuck off.

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