Taxpayers dole out $67M for a gun-grab program that doesn’t yet exist

Source: linkass


  1. It was at $40 million just before the summer if I’m not mistaken. That’s another $27 million wasted to accomplish literally nothing other than losing the votes of hundreds of thousands of Canadians for the rest of their lives.

  2. I remember after the tragic shooting in New Brunswick, the only legally sourced gun was the one the shooter took off the RCMP officer he killed. If the government was really serious about gun violence, they would crack down on the gun smuggling across the border. Legally sourced firearms are not the problem. Legal gun owners aren’t driving gun violence, neither are guns stolen from legal gun owners. All of this is missing the point to a depressing degree.

  3. Educational-Tone2074 on

    Think of the billions this will eventually cost and the zero amount of safety and security it will provide.

    Use the money instead on crime prevention and policing. It will be much better spent. 

  4. How much was the gun registry supposed to cost? How many consulting firms and software developers were hired to shepherd the process? Likely the same stagecoach robbers this time around.

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