Jacinta Allan in India: Victoria’s foreign students to get inside track on regional work visas

Source: pennyfred


  1. Jacinta Allen addressing key issues like our chronic Indian student shortage.

    Maybe she could check how similar regional visa pathways been gamed in Canada where ‘international students’ move to Manitoba or PEI for quicker visas and relocate to Ontario as soon as getting residency, which seems the likely outcome of this for Melbourne given Uber’s limited regional footprint.

    Or maybe this is just stimulus for the lagging Victorian property market.

  2. DrMantisToboggan1986 on

    This is such a bad idea.

    ABS reported that the Australian government has approved at least 550k in Indian applications ranging from temp visa to permanent resident, and that number is only going to escalate. UniMelb does not need any more money lol if anything, maybe their Vice Chancellor on a $1.5mn yearly salary should take a pay cut.

  3. What democratic mandate is there for this?

    Have the Victorian people voted specifically on this issue?

  4. How do these policies continue to get signed off?

    We can all see the outcome of them in other similar countries so it’s not even guessing to say that [not only are they incredibly unpopular] this is a bad thing for the working classes and Australians at the bottom of the pile already.

    It seems that in the west our politicians – from both sides – can’t help themselves. And the people can do squat.

    Look at Canada, Europe and the UK to see how these brain dead programs get exploited.

  5. Seems sensible to me. 

    They are not additional visas, 25% are being reserved for graduates of Australian Unis and TAFEs.

    Better to have imports with an Australia tertiary education in the regions (ideally essentual services like healthcare) than the same quota filled by cooks, nail technicians, and dodgy IT qualifications obtained in India flooding the capitals.

    This is a higher bar than what is currently in place.

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