B.C. calls on Ottawa to restrict sale of machetes in bid to curb street crime

Source: tyler111762


  1. >Niki Sharma has penned a letter to Ottawa, asking her federal counterpart to consider classifying machetes as ***restricted weapons***, as the UK does, which would allow police to seize and destroy them.

    Emphasis mine, for those who do not know, making a machete fall into the restricted weapon category would not only mean that you need a firearms license (and the one that lets you own restricted firearms, not just the normal PAL) to buy or possess one, and have it registered… you would not be legally able to take a machete camping anymore or use it for yard work. as restricted weapons can only be brought to gun ranges and must be locked up otherwise…

    because the laws were never meant for this kind of stupidity…

  2. BackToTheCottage on

    You know; maybe targeting and restricting the perpetrators instead of the machete would go farther without falling deeper into a nanny state.

  3. Hot_Cheesecake_905 on

    … really, let’s blame the tool.

    Gun control has sure worked well, I see we now have a lot of enthusiastic urban ‘yute’ duck hunters.

  4. Further proof, just like the UK, that gun control is a slippery slope and that it will eventually lead to the banning of knives and other things. Banning the tool is easy, dealing with the root cause is hard, so politicians never bother to deal with the root causes.

  5. AllUrUpsAreBelong2Us on

    Butchers knives next, followed quickly by plastic butter knives…. those are nasty! /s

  6. >Sharma says machetes have no legitimate use on modern city streets…

    Most of Canada isn’t city streets. 

  7. So, firearms/weapons lawyer here to explain how dumb this is. OP made a comment to explain it, but it’s even dumber than that.

    So, currently there are precisely *zero* restricted weapons in the law. There are prohibited weapons. There are restricted *firearms* (note that a restricted weapon is different than a restricted firearm). But there are no restricted weapons.

    However, the law does provide for them. They are, for example, included in the list of things for section 93(1), which would require an Authorization To Transport to take said restricted weapon anywhere. Which means that the machete you bought for clearing brush or camping or doing yard work couldn’t be brought out of your house without first calling the Chief Firearms Office to ask them for permission.

    You would need a licence for it, but it’s not clear how that licence would work, because the PAL doesn’t cover restricted or prohibited weapons, it covers firearms.

    I also wouldn’t expect this to have any actual impact on crime. Crime is best dealt with by targeting the root causes, rather than by making something double criminal.

  8. “Assault-style knives have no place in the hands of civilians. You don’t need a MACHETE to take down a deer.”


  9. So, will these be classified as non-restricted, restricted, and prohibited as well? One day, could some of them also be banned through an OIC and included in a buyback program?

  10. Half-Selection2109 on

    No laws on addressing the criminals it’s the machete. Why doesn’t Ottawa just make laws making your hands illegal to.

  11. Might as well ban hatchets,butcher knives,table cutlery,baseball bats and the list can go on, make a registry for anyone who wants to buy anything sharp and make them take a safety course so they know how to properly use these objects.

  12. Let’s *not* let Canada get to the point that we’re trying to control sharpened pieces of metal

  13. Enforcement would still follow the catch and release model currently in place. Existing laws cover carrying a machete in a public place in a city. Judges need to start applying the maximum possible penalties we have right now.

  14. Yeah, govern us harder, Daddy. We need restrict martial art training to curb assault style fists. Hurry up. I don’t feel safe.

  15. I thought banning all firearms would end all violence. Interesting, sounds like people will use whatever they can get their hands on.

  16. Front-Hovercraft-721 on

    Make it like Trudeau’s handgun laws, where we only punish the law abiding, licensed and trained owners, criminals seemingly exempt.

  17. whyamihereagain6570 on

    The sale of handguns has been banned in Canada for over 2 years. This was supposed to stop gun crimes in urban areas. A quick look at TPS stats in Toronto show that the city is on track to equal or surpass the number of shootings that took place in 2020 BEFORE the ban was enacted.

    This will change nothing, a BFK (nig f’n knife) is easily made with some metal and some tools many people have in their garages for fucks sake.

  18. I can’t see how that’s going to help. People will just use whatever else is available

  19. Restrict the import of people who come from countries where hacking people up with Machetes is normal.

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