Alan Kohler: What Albanese and Chalmers should do next

Source: ladaus


  1. Nice try Alan but none of it will happen. Small target in opposition, small target in government

  2. I know this is reddit, but I recommend reading the whole article, Alan makes some good points.

    The biggest one being, this Labor government doesn’t seem to be particularly good at ‘politics’.

    This government has had some good wins, that they should have built momentum off and be gearing up for a strong re-election campaign, promising much needed reform (especially around tax like Kohler mentions).

    The issue is they have fumbled so many other opportunities, that people start to forget the wins. As they felt people turning against them, they seem to have just gotten defensive and crying poor rather than getting shit done.

    Changes to stage 3 tax cuts, changes to HECS indexation, urgent care clinics, gap fee reductions, parental leave increases etc. they have done a lot. But do people remember all this?

    Not really, they remember the failed referendum, the recent census debacle, the feigned attempts at house affordability, weak stance on gambling ban, draconian action against the CFMEU, refusal to address Coles/Woolworths control of the market etc. amongst many others.

    Some (not all) of these, were super simple things that a competent government would never have let go so wrongly. Labor minority feels most likely, but their current trend of calling press conferences to whinge about the other parties voting against their bills is working against them, people see beyond the bullshit. When you don’t have a majority in both houses, it is your job to negotiate with the crossbench.

    I was very hopeful for this Labor government, but they have shown they are not the centre-left, pro worker / middle class party they once were.

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