Brexit is ‘stifling’ Britain’s trade with Europe and the problem is getting worse

Source: Big-Heron4763


  1. How did the British ever think this would work out differently. They have in a single stroke surpassed the Americans for stupidity.

  2. Are you trying to fucking tell me that after all the time, money and effort they put into separating from the EU, that the EU can’t even be bothered to continue the same easy trade relationship that Britain benefited from as a member? Goddamn, the arrogance of the EU is astounding.

  3. It wasn’t even a vote (which has power), it was a referendum (opinion poll). A few Conservatives had a great grift arrangement, just needed to misguide the public into making it real.
    The whole sorry tale was reported in Private Eye magazine, as it was happening, but nobody listened.

  4. Talking to my Boomer Mum and you’d think the EU were punishing the UK for having the arrogance to leave. I love her, but decades of the Mail and the Sun dragging the EU through the mud poisoned an entire generation against it.

  5. Fun part is that Labour now has the economy at the highest priority, but they refuse to rejoin the EU

  6. The simple truth is, that I would only buy something from the UK if it does not EXISTS elsewhere, otherwise, why bother?

  7. I realize UK democracy is very much about 50%+1 to make changes, but it really seems like something with the scope to change the economy on such a dramatic scale should have required an overwhelming vote, say 2/3rds.

  8. I suspect the origin of Brexit was the Panama Papers scandal following the 2008 financial crisis. People like Rees-Mogg, Farage and Dyson lost opportunities for tax evasion and money laundering because of tougher new EU rules. Financial services weren’t mentioned in either the Johnson or Sunak withdrawal agreements.

    A new laundry was created by appealing to a very nasty undercurrent of racism in the British population. Many elderly people condemned their grandchildren to a lifetime of isolation and reduced economic prospects to have a momentary “Up Yours Deloresgasm”. They didn’t care what happened next, many of them are already dead.

    It was the sleazy financiers’ good fortune that just as the new tumble dryers came on line, all those Russian oliharchs needed creative audit trails. Some Brits aren’t hurting at all, but you’ll never hear from them.

  9. Brexit and the Trump presidency were the two most effective Russian attacks in the 21st century.

  10. More immigrants (just not European ones) less trade, brain drain, worse economy…. Well fucking done!

  11. Toxic_Orange_DM on

    Leaving the world’s largest single market which was literally on our doorstep and having to renegotiate every aspect of every trade deal which each takes 18 months is costing us money? *shocked Pikachu*

  12. I’m still confused as to how they have such an immigration ‘problem’ like the EU without being in the EU and having to bend over to the combined ‘wisdom’…

  13. As Jimmy Carter said, “every problem has a solution that is plain, simple, obvious, and wrong.”

  14. We’re just omitting that the report excludes services, the biggest sector in the UK for which exports have grown beyond expectation because, reasons?

    Seems disingenuous, fudging the numbers to achieve a chosen agenda. If a report came out saying ‘Brexit huge success because service exports higher than ever (but we excluded every other sector)’, I doubt it would be accepted as quickly as this one.

    Give all the numbers. Warts and all.

  15. Nightrunner2016 on

    It’s quite ironic. I lived in the UK when it was still a part of the EU and I did that as an EU citizen. I had a good skilled job, paid all those GBP tax pounds, paid a landlord handsomely for my apartment, and never once actually had to go and use the NHS. Now, I can’t do that. Not as easily anyway. So they are keeping me out quite successfully. But if you want to rock up in a small boat with no employable skills, pay no taxes, and sponge off of the remaining tax payers, that seems to be alright.

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