Leaked internal documents from a Kremlin-controlled propaganda center reveal how a well-coordinated Russian campaign supported far-right parties in the European Parliament elections — and planted disinformation across social media platforms to undermine Ukraine.

Source: OddAioli6993


  1. BringBackApollo2023 on

    At some point soon the left* is going to say “enough of this bullshit” and embargo, tariff, and isolate Russia completely until their oligarchs decide that Putin is more of a liability than an asset and he’ll tragically fall out of a fifth-story window after shooting himself in the back of the head five times.

    * I say left on purpose because the faux conservative-right MAGA GQP is so busy felating him they have no idea they’re being played like Nero’s fiddle.**

    ** Yes, technically he didn’t fiddle but it’s the typically accepted term so we’ll run with it.

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