Explained: The government’s stalled housing agenda, and why the Greens are opposing it

Source: Leland-Gaunt-


  1. The Greens Political Party has no realistic plan or policy to increase the supply of affordable housing, apart from its eNdInG tax bReAkS fOr mIlLiOnAiReS (TM) policy straight from the marketing department.

    The HAFF and policies being put forward by the Government are realistic and practical strategies to support home ownership and access to more rental accommodation.

    The Greens are aligning themselves with their ideological opponents for the sake of populism and to squeeze another percent on their primary vote to the detriment of those who aspire to home ownership.

  2. Rental housing is bullshit. Just build regular housing!

    Thing is that rentals often have smaller amenities, ’cause fuck you renters!

    This is such fucking nonsense from the Labor government. We need normal, regular housing that anyone can live in whether you own or rent.

    The Greens are right on this on and Labor is only showing it’s scared of offending wealth in this country.

  3. The government has a revenue of $513.7 billion, maybe the Greens should start talking about cutting some of the dead wood from the system which would free up billions to build these houses. All they want is more more more tax and literally everything to be paid for out of the public purse. Do you really want the government as your landlord?

  4. Sea_Coconut_7174 on

    Unfortunately the Greens would rather have people living in tents than actually a start on any housing.

  5. CorellaUmbrella on

    Greens getting in the way of progress so they can grandstand for the 50th time. Love to see it.

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