Drone footage provided by the Ukrainian 45th Artillery Brigade is showing an M142 HIMARS attack on Russian troops in Luhanks Oblast.

Source: MilesLongthe3rd


  1. CrewIndependent6042 on

    Putin poked a bear and now Russian soldiers are getting whacked as a result. He is ready to fight until the last Russian.

  2. Usual-Scarcity-4910 on

    The drone crew goes by the name Kaiju. Also the 45th does not have himars, they had to make a call.

  3. Without the bomblets it doesn’t look as impressive at first but then you see them writhing on the ground and it’s like, oooohhh, right. Right, the bees, the angry rageswarm of tungsten bees.

    After seeing what those tungsten bumblefucks do to vehicles and buildings I imagine those guys are just leaky bags of ground beef and shattered bones.

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