Sweden Will Offer Migrants $34,000 to Go Home

Source: samaachaar


  1. Frequent-Ideal-9724 on

    They used to give $978 for migrants to leave the country.

    Really? 🤪 Weird it didn’t work!

  2. Super-Silver5548 on

    Lmao….5 years ago: “let them all in, its our responsiblity to help those poor poor people from war torn countries, that traveled though 8 safe other nations”

    Now “please fuck off, we even pay you an annual salary”

    Are politicans this dumb and short sighted? Tax payer is exited as always to foot the bill.

  3. Capable_Number_2024 on

    It’s an absolutely insane idea that the supposed anti mass-immigration party (SD) who is all talk wants to implement to increase return migration. SD have the power to at any time bring down the government by withdrawing their support. The government together with SD has brought in more than 200 000 new immigrants since they got elected 2 years ago, and they are still bringing in more.

    Why should the Swedish taxpayers pay for them to return home, especially when the mass-immigration is still going on.

  4. Life_is_important on

    Does this work for migrants from any part of the world? I guess someone who’s unemployed and young anywhere from Europe, US, or wherever, could just illegally migrate to Sweden and be like Sheesh! I shouldn’t have done that! But I’ll take those 34k and leave. Thank you!!! Byeeee!! 

  5. Europe exploits the wealth of Africa for all of modern history, now Africans are chasing their own stolen wealth in Europe.

    I know its not that simple, but it is. Only solution is systemic that would require a complete restructuring of global economy where the everyday person has opportunity in their own country (wherever that may be) and billionairs aint a thing no more.

  6. Curry_For_Three on

    Many people tried warning about allowing mass migration being a bad idea. Oh well, we were just called far right bigots.

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