North Korean ammunition supplies to Russia are critical for Ukraine – Defence Intelligence chief

Source: CatUsaUk


  1. “Asked to rank the countries that provide the most military support to Russia, the Ukrainian Defence Intelligence chief said that North Korea would be first, “then no one else for a lot of places, and then all the rest”, because there is no comparison in terms of the volumes supplied.”

  2. EatShitRedditAdmin on

    I’m hoping in my lifetime North Korea can be liberated and the Kim family facing their maker for their crimes on humanity. It’ll take a few generations to remove the indoctrination but for humanity to advance we can’t be having some cult having their own nation. 

  3. Preference-Inner on

    When you have to rely on Lesser Korea for missiles and bullets, you are a failed country Russia. Give up now before you turn into a moon like wasteland 

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