Russia expels 6 British diplomats it accuses of spying

Source: BobbyLucero


  1. Seems like they don’t like being told by Starmer that they can end the war immediately when they want.

  2. or… ruzzians are trying to commit some dirty stuff against UK and that’s their first step toward severing diplomatic relations

  3. This is the same country that quite literally used chemical weapons to carry out a a botched assassination attempt on UK soil back in 2018, yet they do a lot of whiney lecturing…

  4. Jumping-Gazelle on

    >*The FSB said it received documents indicating that the diplomats were sent to Russia by a division of the U.K. Foreign Office “whose main task is to inflict a strategic defeat on our country,” and that they were involved in “intelligence-gathering and subversive activities.”*

    So the “Intelligence service” basically read a random “western” newspaper reporting on diplomats trying to convince the Russian terrorist state to stop importing foreign missiles; to stop their acts of terrorism in general; to actually return all borders; or colloquially, to try to act like adults and, above all, chill out a bit… because it’s more fruitful for everyone on this still blue planet.

  5. JensonInterceptor on

    They’re diplomats of course they are spying. It’s their job!

    Reading Red Notice it seems you only expel diplomats when you don’t really know what they’re doing.

  6. reminder to all, if MI6 does have spies in and around the kremlin, Its certainly isn’t in the form of our own diplomats.

  7. >The British Embassy has gone far beyond the limits outlined by the Vienna Conventions.

    The Russian ambassador has a “country house”/1800s castle about an hour South of London. Which has been a GRU spy base since about 1947. Around 1999 a pack of the their guard dogs managed to escape from the complex and mauled 60 sheep. With the Russians claiming diplomatic immunity for the dogs.

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