All high school students in New South Wales will study Aboriginal people’s experiences of colonisation for the first time, including the Frontier Wars and the concept of terra nullius, under the state’s reformed syllabuses.

Source: blitznoodles


  1. The shallow yahoo article from earlier today was vague and terrible so here’s a better one, I’ve taken the liberty of replacing the headline with the first paragraph.

    > Students will also be mandated to study [civics and citizenship](, which was previously optional, including the Australian constitution, the separation of powers, referendums and the importance of voting.

    > As part of this overhaul, specific content on the rights and freedoms of Australian women will be included in the syllabus for the first time. Previously, content regarding women’s voting rights was scattered and not made explicit.

    > Students will also increasingly get outside the classroom to build on their studies – undertaking about 10 hours of fieldwork in each stage of learning at beaches, creeks and local parks,

  2. in the name of inclusivity – students should also study the convicts’ experiences of being sent here as prisoners for the heinous crime of stealing a loaf of bread

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