Putin dragging his feet on mobilization despite troop shortages exposed by Kursk incursion

Source: BothZookeepergame612


  1. Perun’s latest video on [Russia’s wartime economy](https://youtu.be/8tHkwLSS-DE?si=vt2JskMJ_Tgp16zA) actually provides a great deal of context on this, including the fact that Moscow is currently offering signing bonus’s of 1.9 million rubles now that Russia’s other ready sources of single-use soldiers (eg prisons) have run dry. The upshot, among other things, is that right now supplying new meat for the front is an economic problem more than a political one but that could change.

  2. TheDevil_Wears_Pasta on

    They done mobilized what they could. All that’s left is to throw whatever shitty bombs north Korea and Iran gave you then hope those dragon drones don’t burn down Moscow.

    Russia fucking lost.

  3. I guess he’s running out of marginalized communities to draft.

    Russians might not like it so much when it’s young white kids from major metropolitan areas.

  4. Draft them and send them into the meat grinder. No one fights like unwilling and unenthusiastic. Not to mention undertrained and poorly equipped.

  5. The threat of mobilization is worse then the actual mobilization. If they think it’s happening millions will run for the border, enotugh to cause damage to the war effort

  6. It’s a gamble he can make in case Trump wins. Everyone is waiting to see how things are going to go.

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