Teen Arsonists Burn Russian Mi-8 Helicopter for 5 Million Rubles Promised on Telegram

Source: Silly-avocatoe


  1. From the article: 

    Two teens reportedly set fire to a civilian Mi-8 helicopter in Russia for $55,000 promised on Telegram. The alleged arsonists sustained burns, called an ambulance, and were hospitalized under guard.

    In the early hours of Wednesday, Sept. 11, two teenagers entered the airport in the town of Noyabrsk, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, and set fire to a Russian civilian Mi-8 helicopter, reports the Russian Telegram channel Baza.

    The report states that 13-year-old Timur and 14-year-old Sasha sneaked into the airport security area through a hole in the fence. They later escaped through the same hole. The teenage boys are now in the hospital under guard.

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