Shelling in South Lebanon today.

Source: Glebanon


  1. Legalthrowaway6872 on

    The question of Israel owning the Litani is one of when not if. The free people of Lebanon put their faith in a terrorist movement to defend them. They have been hijacked and can no longer exert sovereignty on their southern hemisphere.

  2. why do countries in the middle east support terrorist organisations, then complain being innocent when getting bombed

  3. You’ve done well for yourself. You became educated and found yourself a well-paying job. You got married, had children, and bought a beautiful house with a balcony and a view. Everything one needs to live a happy and fulfilled life. Now if you can just get your people to stop killing Israelis maybe you’ll be able to continue living that life and not end up sitting on the edge of a trench filled with cholera-ridden water picking lice out of the hair of your children as you wait for the next round of donated food to arrive at your refugee camp…

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