78% of Trump voters support Biden’s clean energy incentives. Nearly 9 in 10 American voters, including 78 percent of 2020 Trump voters, support clean energy incentives in the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), according to new polling.

Source: mafco


  1. Hasn’t this been true for years? Polling consistently shows that Americans want Democratic party policies in general, but succumb to tribalism and manufactured culture issues which keeps them voting for “their” team regardless.

  2. I don’t see how anyone can NOT support the IRA, even if they don’t believe climate change is an issue. It’s reviving the US manufacturing sector, strengthening the US economy, making the US less dependent on China, creating thousands of good paying middle class jobs, offering generous subsidies directly to consumers for upgrading homes and cars, lowering prescription drug prices… and all of this while LOWERING the federal deficit. It even throws some bones to the fossil fuel industry in the form of hydrogen tax credits (which aren’t a great idea but were a necessary compromise to get the bill passed).

    Trump, of course, would torpedoe it just out of spite, because he can’t stand that it’s Biden’s greatest accomplishment.

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