Harris’ suggestion that Poland could be next if Ukraine loses the war resonates with Poles

Source: GeoWa


  1. I currently live in Canada but I was gifted land and a house outside of Częstochowa as a wedding gift from my wifes family.

    Weird feeling having somewhere of mine being threatened, heart goes out to the people of these beautiful countries being threatened.

  2. We knew this since Russians got out after USSR fell. It was a toss up between us, Ukraine or Baltic state.

  3. The current war is certainly dragging on longer than it should so it’s not far fetched to imagine they don’t want to stop

  4. That was the most baffling part of this to me. He had 2 chances to say he supported Ukraines sovereignty, and he completely avoided it. I don’t know why this is sticking with me so much over the other insane shit he said. It’s so bizarre that he lies about verifiable information, but when he could simply lie and get away with it, he just makes himself look worse by avoiding the question entirely, lol.

    It’s truly puzzling, and I can’t think of any reason other than he’s a fool, or Putin has so much on him that he won’t even lie just to save face publicly.

  5. General Petraeus felt that Moldova would be next on Putin’s list.

    Poland has a pretty strong military, probably the strongest in eastern europe. And Russia’s military is already decimated by Ukraine. I feel Putin would either hit Moldova or one of the baltic states next.

  6. Exciting_Trash3943 on

    It was a brilliant move. First because it’s true, Russia is 100% a threat to Poland. Two, there are large Polish populations in most of the swing states.

    It’s almost like she prepared for this debate.

  7. tankspikefayebebop on

    They can barely take Ukraine. It’s crazy to think they’d try to go into a Nato country. Not saying it’s impossible but very doubtful. It’d be the stupidest thing Putin could do. This is just fear mongering at its best.

  8. I am 101% for Ukraine, but this makes no sense.

    The reason Ukraine was attacked is because it wasn’t part of the EU and NATO. Poland is part of both institutions, and if Russia attacked them they would have to fight the whole of the west DIRECTLY, which they know they can’t.

    There is 0% chance of Poland being attacked. Even more so if you consider the fact that Russia has lost more than 2/3rd of their armored vehicles stockpiles including artillery and tanks, and that they’re losing more every day. They won’t be ready for another war for a while.

    But Russia will indeed attack another country after Ukraine, and that is Moldova. Moldova has a very weak military, an armed separatist group of ethnic russians (which gives them the same cassus belli they’ve used against Ukraine and Georgia), and likewise, it isn’t protected by the EU or NATO.

  9. A lesson that anyone attentive to Putin’s current politics and Russia’s history could learn.

  10. It better, when your opponent is unable to commit support for Ukraine winning the war in a debate.

    Absolutely insane moment of last nights debate. He truly is a Russian puppet.

  11. BudgetHistorian7179 on

    Remember: The enemy is at once incredibly weak (“Russians are fighting with showels/Russians are sacking washing machines for parts/Russia is the second strongest army in Ukraine/Russia is losing thousands of men per day”) AND incredibly strong (“Russia is going to attack NATO”). Also, pacifists are ALL Putin’s agents… Read Umberto Eco Ur-Fascism for more! https://www.faena.com/aleph/umberto-eco-a-practical-list-for-identifying-fascists Why, oh why, Fascism is winning in Europe? It’s a mistery!

  12. Invading Poland means Russia will have to fight with NATO, which is a far much bigger challenge than Ukraine alone. I doubt there is any chance Russia can ever win.

  13. Czech Republic too, wasn’t it one of their missiles used to hit Russian mainland, I reckon it pissed them off. Poland would be peak

  14. Putin would have to call NATO’s bluff on their “all for one and one for all “ clause. If they didn’t all come and help, NATO would collapse and that is really what Putin wants, either by Trumps doing or his own actions.

  15. She’s not wrong though, every fascist wants territory if you give them even a single square foot of land for free. EU and the west should have be united on this. Another stupid military operation because of Putin’s idiotic reason to recreate the USSR should be a swift military action against Russia. Resurrect Schwarzkopf if they have to and recreate Operation Desert Storm against Russia.

  16. She really impressed me with her grasp of world events. There was no real deep global affairs analysis or anything, but mentioning the Polish population in PA and mentioning the known fear Polish people have of Russian aggression shows she has a grasp on the issues. At minimum, she was prepared. Pretty impressive.

  17. Sweaty-Sundae4765 on

    Nobody will be next that is not necessary for Putin he will threatening UE and about short of time people will vote for person who will begin destruction of Europe

  18. She’s not wrong. Putin won’t stop with Ukraine if Russia happens to win. They are hungry for as much land and power as they can get.

  19. lorilightning79 on

    As it should. We need to take this seriously. Trump would give Russia Poland for a simple compliment from Putin.

  20. For anyone who didn’t watch the debate, the way Harris used this point against Trump was a surprise I didn’t expect. And then following up with telling him to ask the 800k polish people living in PA (a must win battle ground state) how they feel about it? Brilliant.

  21. if i lived in Poland, i would be VERY worried about the possibility of Harris being president next year. She will abandon poland

  22. But don’t worry guys, Trump promises he’ll end the war quickly there too. Just don’t ask what the end result will be.

  23. Birdy_Cephon_Altera on

    Dollars to donuts that Harris has some inside info (intel from security briefings she gets as veep) on this, that she can’t disclose fully. This is more than just speculation based on “what we have always thought what Putin would do”, this is more like “Hint hint there’s hard evidence our agents have hint hint”.

  24. I’d imagine the Polish military is quite a bit stronger than Ukraines not to mention they are a NATO member. Russia doesn’t have the technology, proper training or equipment to compete with the US let alone the whole of NATO.

    The only thing Russians have going for them is Nukes.. let’s hope and pray that even the Russians understand what M.A.D is.

  25. Poland would be the worst target for Russia to attack after Ukraine. Even without NATO help Poland would be almost impossible to defeat. Moldova on the other hand…

  26. Putin already seems to have bagged Slovakia and I think the Czech Republic to some extent. He has sympathetic leaders there. Serbia was lost long ago under Tito. Bulgaria is another Slav state that seems to be leaning toward Russia.

  27. I think she singled out Poland more to appeal to the Polish diaspora living in Pennsylvania, where the debate was held, than any suggestion of intelligence knowledge or being in the know.

    She even referenced the “800,000 Polish Americans” living in the state that was watching the debate right after naming Poland as Putin’s next target.

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