Stats on Australian residents by birth nation (Australia, UK, India, China & Afghanistan)

Source: Quoll675


  1. Suitable_Choice_1770 on

    > 2016 census, 455,389 India-born people in Australia, an increase of 54.2 per cent from the 2011 census.

    Albo: Hold my beer

  2. Since this sub is heavily discussing immigration; here’s some actual government stats for everyone to chew over. They’re sourced from the [Home Affairs community summaries](

    Worth noting these are based on the 2016 census (there isn’t one for 2021). Therefore:

    1. It only counts people who answered the census, i.e not anyone here illegally
    2. It depends on how people answer said census, i.e overstating language skills

    Also, the summaries do not say anything about some of the more controversial elements argued about with immigration, such as homeownership/renting or crime rate. To my knowledge these stats are not available to us.

  3. Among the things that stuck out to me when making this was the fact that apparently 12% of people *born in Australia* will admit, in the census, that they do not speak English well by the age of fifteen, alongside the 3% of immigrants born in *Britain*.

    Also notable, I think, is the fact that among Indian immigrants, 23% speak Punjabi, which is spoken by just 3% of the Indian population.

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