INTENSE Footage of the Afghan Taliban ambushing a US convoy in the early 2000s (possibly Al Hijrat Media)

Source: GenerationMeat


  1. Crazy to think the taliban won that war. Now they are more battle hardened, they are 10x better armed, and they have the ability to make US passports with new biometric data…. amazing.

  2. Anyone know the casualties for the US side? Seems like they got directly hit by RPG, bailed out and ran in the open to get hit again. That’s a pretty damn good ambush.

  3. WeaponizedCum on

    Talking to himself: “Mohammed, go get ’em.”

    So what’s the Coalition strategy here? It looks like some of the soldiers dismounted but the supply trucks (?) kept on driving, which I guess makes sense since they’re unarmoured and can’t defend themselves.

  4. I’m sure being on the receiving end fucking sucked, but that audio has been tampered with to make it sound more intense. Hear how its just one a continued flow even when the image cuts to another angle?

  5. Chadbrochill17_ on

    Those friggin’ switchbacks in the road just repeatedly provide the Taliban with near perfect enfilade. What a nightmare.

  6. adeadperson23 on

    I hope that these individuals rot in hell for eternity. God forbids murder in all abrahamic religions and this is clearly murder

  7. DangerousDavidH on

    It’s an old repost. He had lovely hair, and was really chill before the ambush.

  8. ClassicRockUfologist on

    Could you have just cut to the intense part? I don’t get that “Network television b-roll at the beginning because they didn’t realize it was live” time back. 🖕🏼

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