Was expecting the M113 to get picked off by the treeline or get lit up by squad level AT, but nope: dismounts get out, kill everyone in the dugouts, then pack up and leave. What the fuck is happening over there? Are front lines supposed to be this porous?

PS: I got this video off /k/ without context, and searching it on Google seems to bring up this [article](https://www.slobodenpecat.mk/en/video-vojnicite-na-voenata-grupa-omega-ja-ischistija-pozicijata-od-ruskite-napagjachi-vo-oblasta-zaporozhje/) which fits it’s content. Please correct if the source I posted is wrong.

Source: SeveAddendum

1 Comment

  1. SnackyMcGeeeeeeeee on

    It depends.

    Maybe the Russians where cycling troops.

    Maybe they didn’t expect it

    Maybe these guys are Rambo Jesus

    Maybe the Russians gained 50 trenches and are willing to lose this 1

    There is literally an infinite amount of scenarios why this ONE out of TENS OF THOUSANDS of trench systems might be slightly easier or harder than others.

    This is in zaporizhia, so it’s literally fucked for both sides. Both sides are just chucking people on the eastern front foe villages that are a couple thousand big.

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