UA 5th Assault Brigade’s “Ptashka DoDo” UAV team sighted a Russian soldier, who makes a gesture of surrender toward the drone pilot. The Russian is able to follow the drone back to Ukrainian lines, crossing 7 kilometers of terrain without incident before being picked up. Published August 13, 2024

Source: worldiscubik


  1. lionoflinwood on

    A) Cool to see this stuff happen.

    B) Really driving home the scale of the “Grey Zone” that this guy was able to get into no-man’s land far enough away from Russian lines to be all alone out there, then he *still* had a 7km walk to reach Ukrainian lines.

  2. If he surrendered even though he had to walk 7 km why doe the others fight to their death or commit suicide? The soldiers in kursk region surrender aswell.

  3. Fickle-Walk9791 on

    Really wonder why not more of the Russians do that. So many of them sit alone in their positions waiting for a drone to knock them out. Even if they shoot down the first, the second will deliver death. Then better walk over to Ukraine while the Russian bosses aren’t watching, should be clear how to surrender to Ukraine by now.

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