I posted about these settlements already, but in case you missed it, and since they started to accept claims, I decided to post it again. 

For those who don’t remember: ReconAfrica a few years ago, in the precovid times, had projects in the Kavango area, but later it turned out that this whole process in Kavango was a total mess, from the environmental to the hiring issues. As a result, they faced numerous lawsuits, including one from investors.

And just recently, ReconAfrica decided to pay a $7M settlement to investors to end this scandal. So if you were an investor back then, you can check the info and file for the payment here: [https://11thestate.com/cases/reconnaissance-energy-africa-shareholder-settlement](https://11thestate.com/cases/reconnaissance-energy-africa-shareholder-settlement) for the US, and here [https://11thestate.com/cases/reconafricacanada-investor-settlement](https://11thestate.com/cases/reconafricacanada-investor-settlement) for Canada. Hope it’ll help!

Source: triflingtendency13

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