Freddie Smith on Instagram: “Millennials and Gen Z have it harder today than Boomers did in 1970”

Source: beeucancallmepickle


  1. Mass_Debater_3812 on

    My older brother got drafted and killed in Vietnam. His body was never recovered.

    I wish you could tell him how easy he had it. Instead you can tell me.

  2. Rivercitybruin on

    True in some,ways.. not true in others.. on balance, I did think they had it harder but very high unemployment rates then and Vietnam are making me,think

  3. Goblinboogers on

    This just in gen z and millennials can only focus on negative shit and love to blame other people. None of you ever look at the positive shit for our world boomers have done but dont worry being negative is great for you!

  4. Listen2Wolff on

    And (some) boomers are faced with having to support their non-productive children in their retirement while the boomers left home one or two decades before their parents retired.

    It’s like, how stupid can these arguments about “which generation had it better” be?

    Crap like this is injected into the community solely to create friction so we can’t ever unite against the Oligarchy.

    Why in the world did the gay community go from LG to LGB to LGBTQ to LGBTQ+ to whatever in the world is going to be next?

    These are memes put out by the “Deep State” to get us to fight each other and not them.

    Take Iraq for instance. The Shia and Sunny got along “just fine” until the US invasion and the NED/CIA financed splinter groups on both sides started murdering the “other” creating chaos which the neocolonialist thrives on.

    Stop falling for this crap!

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