15,000 Scientists Warn Society Could Collapse By 2100 Due to Climate Change

Source: DairyFarmerOnCrack


  1. littleredpinto on

    nah…the meteor is coming in late 2027/28, even with the training the world just received, that might take everyone out. That was the dinosaurs big mistake too, worrying about climate change and not tracking the celestial bodies being sent their direction. History is doomed to repeat itself it seems.

  2. DairyFarmerOnCrack on

    [State of the climate report: Entering uncharted territory](https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/73/12/841/7319571?login=false)

    >The effects of global warming are progressively more severe, and possibilities such as a worldwide societal breakdown are feasible and dangerously underexplored. By the end of this century, an estimated 3 to 6 billion individuals—approximately one-third to one-half of the global population—might find themselves confined beyond the livable region, encountering severe heat, limited food availability, and elevated mortality rates because of the effects of climate change

  3. pine-cone-sundae on

    “good, they’ll be easier to control, bwahaha.”

    i think that’s literally all oligarchs care about.

  4. defcon_penguin on

    That means we have plenty of time and can continue burning fossil fuels for a while still, right?

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