Quick purchase of housing for asylum seekers takes neighbours off guard

Source: BananaTubes


  1. youregrammarsucks7 on

    Nice! That means the feds will be dealing with housing issues facing actual Canadians next!

  2. Objective-Cabinet364 on

    Ridiculous. The issue of Canadian citizens lacking shelter aside…

    This same thing has happened in many places – especially Ireland. The government purchases secluded areas designed to house only asylum seekers. They attempt to conceal any happenings within the residence and hire security to enforce the secrecy. All paid for by the taxpayer; yet we are disallowed from knowing any of the specifics. Ireland has even paid citizens living near these mansions of asylum money to pay for protective measures because they know recent immigrants bring their 3rd world cultures into the country. Imagine inviting people you know will causes issues into your country, paying for their water, food, shelter, healthcare and transportation AND telling your citizens to pay for protective measures from these migrants. What is happening? Why is the West so guilty and ashamed of what it is that it is adopting such moronic policies? Also, look at the scope and beauty of the residence that was purchased…it is something I can never dream of having.

  3. Green-Chef5668 on

    This is completely unacceptable. There are fucking Canadians on the streets not getting the $200-300 day. They don’t get housing.

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