CNN still doubts hospitals used by Hamas in spite of being taken there and shown evidence

Source: Galileo1609


  1. In the article that accompanies the video, CNN reaches out to the director of all hospitals in Gaza who essentially writes off all the video footage as a misunderstanding on Israel’s part. Oh wait, did CNN bother to ask who the director works for? He works for the Gaza government which is under control of Hamas.

    In the video, the IDF spokesman said the IDF sent a robot down the shaft and there was a clear solid unbreachable door facing towards the hospital. The hospital director claims it’s just some kind of utility room for electrical wiring. In spite of all the evidence presented to CNN and what the robot found, bullshit CNN continues to cast doubt on Israel’s claim that Hamas is using the hospitals. Spokesman Hagari risked his life bringing these journalists right to the battle to show them the evidence. Israel really needs to boot CNN out of the country.


  2. The left will not accept any evidence, no matter how damning it is, if it goes against the narrative. Not just about this conflict, it’s the same story for every cause they champion.

  3. Their reporting is all over the place. They had that asshole that was embedded w the 10/7 terrorists on payroll; tried to dance around it when that news came out – still dancing around it.

    They do have a dude semi embedded, the dude in this clip ⬆️ . Don’t know his name but he went into Gaza the other day when they toured the basement of the hospital. But even his reporting is all over the place. Very hyperbolic.

    Edit: words

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