CNN publishes lies about hospital being hit by airstrike

Source: Galileo1609

1 Comment

  1. CNN published this video under the title:

    “Gaza hospital is hit as journalist reports live”


    In the video, there is no footage of the airstrike. The narrator in the video also says “near the hospital”. Hitting a hospital and hitting “near” a hospital is clearly something anyone with half a brain can figure out. It’s a war zone and there are bound to be hits nearby.

    This propaganda from CNN needs to be met with a brutal response as it continues to encite violence around the world. Israel is partly responsible for this propaganda because they continue to support CNN. Netanyahu did a 20 minute interview with CNN yesterday. This utter nonsense needs to stop and CNN needs to be banned from Israel permanently and Israel needs to stop doing interviews with media networks that are only working against them. Netanyahu is the most incompetent moron who continues to play into the hands of the media and is continuing to harm Israel.

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