Will rampant AI’s ‘insatiable’ thirst for power leave green energy trailing in its wake?

Source: Cleancoolenergy

1 Comment

  1. RemoveInvasiveEucs on


    Let’s say that AI is wildly successful, and raises overall electricity demand 10%. That number is made up, and way above what k see anybody even proposes, as far as I can see.

    How does that impact the energy transition? It means we need tk deploy new electricity generation faster. What’s the cheapest new energy? Renewable energy. What happens when we produce more renewable infrastructure? Future infrastructure gets even cheaper.

    The faster and more we spend on new renewable electricity generation, the faster we accelerate the energy transition. And the faster that new renewable generation gets than the O&M of paid-off fossil generation assets, the sooner those assets will get retired.

    Too many people think about the energy transition in reverse. We need to build build build as fast as we possibly can, and the faster we do it, the more money we save, the cheaper electricity gets, and the cleaner our electricity mix gets. We need a radical rebuild of everything.

    If AI pours fuel on the fire of the energy interchange, Godspeed. Let’s develop those new electricity uses ASAP.

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