What’s behind the dramatic shift in Canadian public opinion about immigration levels?

Source: FancyNewMe


  1. Angry_beaver_1867 on

    « A few months after reaching this population milestone, the federal government released its new Immigration Levels Plan to welcome 485,000 permanent residents in 2024 and 500,000 in 2025 and 2026.« 

    One of the biggest issues is the government uses the permanent resident number however, that’s not the total number of people arriving each year.

    That number is closer to 1.1-1.2 million. So it feels like we are being lied to from the get go.

    A second issue is that the rate of change in that number caught every institution responsible for planning services and infrastructure by surprise. So every 10-25 year plan needs to be revised and the feds have not provided funding to build the roads , sewers , schools, hospitals for these revised plans

  2. Probably the effects it’s having on the Canadian public.

    But I’m not a mind reader or anything.

  3. blastyblastyblaster on

    Newcomers are creating an economic shock with respect to housing – because housing is a key cost centre for individuals with weird economics (aka people won’t sell at lower prices because they can’t, you can take a 40 year mortgage to buy it), it has the country in crisis.

    Our mass immigration policy is rooted in neoliberalism and mostly consumption oriented – it’s designed to create more mortgages, Starbucks, Rogers and Honda customers and that’s about it – to the detriment of the more advanced parts of the economy which are dwindling as we invest less and less in R&D and have fewer companies that do sophisticated things.

    All the parties support this Century Initiative 100 Million person objective and it’s destroying the country.

    The GDP is still growing – meaning the 1% thinks it’s great, but GDP/capita in real dollars is going down – and – if you include ‘cost of living’ in inflation (it’s not included because it’s not a productive asset) to make up for the reality of what housholds have to face – then our GDP/capital is plummeting.

    And there’s no way out.

    Combine that with Conestogo college selling paper mill degrees and bringing in 30K people, the fact that no party will listen to anyone, that the ‘pain’ is felt almost universally …

    If it was destroying the country but people were able to make their mortgage payments and buy a home, oddly there would be no fuss.

    But it’s existentially bad, in a way that Canadians have never witnessed, for like 100 years.

    It’s bad.

    Trudeau is probably worse than the Cons or Orange on this, but all of them would be about the same for all intents and purposes.

    Our leaders want mass immigration towards 100 million people, there is no such thing as ‘Canada’ to them, just a big national economic project. Pierre P. wants desperately to be PM he’ll do anything say anything and most of big business is giving him orders to open the floodgates as well so we’ll not likely see change.

    Canadians don’t protest anything, the CBC won’t talk about sensitive issues and so here we are.

  4. According to Bloomberg :

    >Canada’s population growth accelerated to 3.2% over the past year


    You know what 3.2% means ?

    >Africa’s population is growing rapidly. The estimated annual growth rate was 2.5% in 2021.


    In other words, Canada’s population is growing faster than Africa.

  5. Because Canada clearly and obviously ‘hit a wall’ where it became impossible to ignore that the population growth, driven largely by immigration, significantly exceeds the construction of housing. People who’d fear ‘looking like their dumbass racist uncle’ can now firmly say ‘No, the numbers are just fucked. This would be as much a problem if it was the birth rate in Canada, which would be far harder to control, but it’s not the birthrate, it’s the immigration levels, and that’s something that can easily be controlled’.

  6. Costs.

    Watching the cost of living increase, and employers being able to keep wages low due to new comers willing to accept any pay rate.

    Housing. We’re not building enough for the amount of people arriving. In halifax in 2019 I could point to a few individuals living rough now we have multiple encampments of people living rough in the winter.

    We’re fine with immigration if business would quit being exploitive fucks, and housing was at a surplus.

  7. the_whether_network on

    When you consider how the future of an entire generation of Canadians was sold out for modern slavery, you maybe start to understand how the locals may misdirect blame to the newcomers.
    The blame should be placed on those who created the system despite our vocal dissent.
    This is a Class War, not a racial one. We need to focus on those who benefit from this system and the massive wealth transfer currently happening before our very eyes.
    All I have witnessed in my lifetime is an increased tax burden and significantly decreased services.
    IF there was affordable housing and wages were growing in line with our fellow G7 nations and our tax burden was reasonable and our dollar was worth something, seems we wouldn’t have much to worry about with immigration.
    Our politicians and their friends are enriching themselves while telling us we need to learn to live with less.

  8. As someone who deals with a lot of immigrants, I’ve noticed a lot not expecting to work 40+ hours a week for a bad appartment. Just makes me feel bad that they had this perception of Canada and its now broken.

  9. What’s behind the shift in opinion? The consequences that go along with those immigration levels, I’m guessing!

  10. The shift? Canadians are waking up to the fact that we have no infrastructure to support these people – we don’t have the schools or hospitals or jobs. Our quality of life as Canadians is getting way worse with the influx. We can’t find jobs or health care or housing.

    We’re taking in refugees who statistically end up on social welfare support indefinitely and throwing a ton of tax dollars at them. Canadians are feeling forgotten and second rate – we are footing the bill for a lot of services that will never benefit us, and in the case of refugees, who will only drain our health care and benefits. We are also bringing in 50% of people from one country who it is unclear how interested they are in assimilating with Canadian culture.

    We are feeling lied to – the number of immigrants they set does not include international students or refugees. That number makes our immigration double what they’ve stated. We have no confidence they will deport people. There is rampant abuse of the asylum system. We seem to give visas to everyone – even people who support terrorism..

  11. johnstonjimmybimmy on

    Too many people. Not enough infrastructure.

    It has little to do with anything else.

  12. Housing and rents skyrocketing which is insane for a basic necessity. It’s impossible to create enough housing supply with these crazy immigration levels. Even more frustrating Trudeau is completely ignoring the immigration issue by making things worse.

    I was neutral on Canada’s immigration before and now I strongly believe we should cut our immigration and foreign student targets by 75% and ban TFW.

  13. The current immigration policy exists only to benefit big corporations, landlords and “postnational” ideologues, at the expense of the average Canadian standard of living. No wonder Canadians are now less likely to support these insane immigration targets.

  14. Terminally_Albertan on

    Hmmmm…. massive upticks in violent crime? Unaffordable housing? The job markets and economies in the shitter? Who knows?

  15. Because we are feeling the effects of not having the infrastructure and resources to accommodate everyone and guarantee a decent standard of living.

  16. High cost of living, really shitty provincial services (health and education), the unavailability of housing.

  17. Altaccount330 on

    People are angry because the Trudeau government has committed Gross Negligence through uncontrolled immigration, which is negatively impacting both the immigrants and Canadians.

    **Gross Negligence:**

    “Gross negligence is a heightened degree of negligence representing an extreme departure from the ordinary standard of care. Falling between intent to do wrongful harm and ordinary negligence, gross negligence is defined as willful, wanton, and reckless conduct affecting the life or property or another.”

  18. The fact that as an immigrant, the current policies are a huge slap across the face of anyone that spent thousands of dollars and countless hours to immigrate to this country correctly. Also the fact the out current systems are more than overwhelmed, our housing market is a huge problem and we keep pumping more and more people in an already fractured system.

  19. w0ke_brrr_4444 on

    people incorrectly associating immigration with housing inaffordability.

    your uber drivers and international students aren’t the ones snapping up 2BR condos.

  20. Too many people causing problems such as housing, cost of iving, homelessness, crime, and job security.

  21. Because for every worker you bring you also bring his/her whole family. So for one job you have 3,4 5…more people that use healthcare, schools, kindergardens….

    Bring one guy to build houses, you put more pressure on the whole system. It’s impossible to sustain

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