Zelenskyy tells Trump that Ukraine will have either nuclear weapons or NATO membership

Source: TeaLoverUA


  1. DramaticWesley on

    Who the hell is going to sell them nuclear weapons? If they are going to make their own, it’s a lot more difficult than just strapping radioactive material to a bomb.

  2. Has he bothered to inform the president or vice president? Really weird to tell a dude who has literally zero power or involvement in these matters. Seems like a ragebait headline for no other purpose.

  3. “handouts”? it’s a partnership to help them deal with a bigger common foe. let’s try to avoid diminishing them to begging.

  4. your_comments_say on

    Regain the nuclear capability they surrendered as a part of agreements Putin et al violated.

  5. Is that the literal point of NATO membership? You can spend money on a nuclear weapons program because your best friends have more than enough to share.

  6. HedgehogNarrow4544 on

    ahh, the most reliable source for everything that ukraine is going to do…from the most impeccable creators of BS in the world…pravada, in the good ol’ moscow oblast of russia

  7. If the world was interested in nuclear non-proliferation, it should have moved heaven and earth to enforce the security guarantee attached to the Budapest Memorandum. Instead, the world’s non-nuclear powers learned what they long suspected: you need to get nukes and keep them to be secure.

  8. Designer-Citron-8880 on

    We can blame NK for many things, but getting nukes and not giving in to external (western) pressure was probably the correct path to save his fucking ass. Brilliant, turns out Kim Jong-Un is not always wong

    Wondering how Iran is doing with the enrichment. I do not think it is a good idea to let religious fanatical states nor their atheist equivalents have nukes but for Ukraine it is completely different:

    Renuclearisation of Ukraine is a logical step after 2 of the 3 parties did not keep their promises made during the time they gave up nukes. Slava Ukraini.

  9. Alarm bells should be going off in every Defense Department/Ministry of Defence office in every NATO country right now.
    If they can’t get Russia out of Ukraine, Ukraine will develop nuclear weapons. I don’t think *anyone* wants that.

    Get. Putin. Out. Of. Ukraine.
    🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦

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