Donald Trump reportedly calls off NBC interview in Philadelphia | It would be the third interview with a mainstream news outlet Trump has canceled in recent weeks that has included CNBC and “60 Minutes” on CBS.

Source: WhileFalseRepeat


  1. HumanNemesis93 on

    His campaign can’t afford to have him grilled on Jan 6 or the recent Stormy Daniels shit that came out yesterday. They know he’ll blow it lol.

  2. JubalHarshaw23 on

    They won’t promise not to fact check him, so he won’t risk it.

    Meanwhile the Media will dishonestly continue to hammer Harris for not giving interviews.

  3. WhileFalseRepeat on

    Remember when Trumpland was claiming democrats were hiding Biden in a basement with bubble-wrap?


  4. Nobblybiscuits on

    Good thing Trump supporters haven’t spent the last month trashing Harris for not doing interviews

  5. That’s because Trump’s brain is incapable of handling a single rational thought and he and his campaign know it. Fucking pathetic coward.

  6. He is going to strictly rely on what he views to be his campaign’s growing momentum, hoping that carries him through, and realizes any bungled interview could potentially halt that. His best chance is to stay off the airwaves as much as possible.

  7. 2_Sheds_Jackson on

    Maybe this means he is clearing his calendar so he can do a full shift at the McDonalds . /s

  8. Somebody check the local hospitals for an overweight geriatric. He’s clearly having a health episode.

  9. How does MAGA react to all these recent cancellations after Kamala just walked into and out of the lion’s den of Fox News?

    Seems like an especially bad look just now.

  10. Future_Childhood_652 on

    Is anyone really surprised? The guy doesn’t want to answer tough questions from people he can’t control.

  11. ALioninthestreet on

    I think he has realized that he is going to lose, so now he doesn’t *want* to win…and he will do everything he can to burn down the entire Republican Party & damage as much of the rest of the United States as possible as he goes down in flames…

  12. BadgeOfDishonour on

    Assuming his cancellation is entirely personality-based (i.e.: not medical), it’s likely because Harris has been killing it. And while killing it, she’s pointed out some of his many, many failures.

    He’s a Malignant Narcissist. He *cannot* let that slide. So he’s likely stuck on a rant right now, about Harris. He will be full-on temper-tantrum, calling her every epithet he can think of (likely including the N word), and repeating how he is actually really amazing at the things she called him out on. Or worse, doubling down (see: Haitians eating pets, or Internal Enemies).

    And yes he did start to double down on the Haitians eating pets “And other things they are not supposed to” in his most recent interview.

    His handlers are likely trying to buy time to redirect him onto a more palatable topic. They can’t amp him up, they have to redirect. And that takes time.

    They have to find a barrage of television programs that inflates his ego. They have to give him a Problem that only he can solve, while dog-walking him to the desired solution. They have to load enough talking points in and distract him enough, so that he is too distracted to rehash all the pistol-whipping Harris is giving him.

    If that is the case, then their bid is a desperate one. A Malignant Narcissist cannot let his Enemy be correct. He cannot allow anything she said, slide. And he cannot forgive those that gave her any consideration – that she appeared on Fox News and did not get spanked, is unforgivable. Fox News has failed him.

    He may be into a Narcissistic Collapse, in which case he will go full-turtle and simply tuck into a nice, deep depression. Honestly I do not believe we are there yet – we’ve yet to see him go full nuclear. Unless he’s gone nuclear behind closed doors… which is possible but I wouldn’t think that would be the end of it. It’s more likely he’ll take to Truth Social, or call in to Fox’n’Fiends, or something similar, and go scorched Earth. As long as he believes he has power, he will use that perceived power to hurt people. “…from hell’s heart I stab at thee” sort of thing.

    If he wasn’t having an old-age related collapse, this would be my guess for his absence. However there is an age-related component to consider. His ramble has gotten far, far worse. His slurring is more pronounced. His disassociating and vibing for 40 minutes to music, like he’s on a talk show that is “playing him out”, is troubling. He has difficulties lifting a glass of water, and with walking down a ramp.

    Therein lies the problem. They are avoiding interviews either because their candidate is suffering from dementia beyond anything they can cover up, or their candidate is too much of a sociopath to put in front of a camera right now.

    Neither option is good.

  13. If Joe Biden did this, the media would come for his neck and it would be nonstop news about his mental decline and what he’s hiding.

  14. I-Might-Be-Something on

    I’m starting to get the feeling that his handlers are trying to hide him. We saw what happened with Biden after the debate, if Trump shows the same level of cognitive decline on the national stage (his debate was rambling nonsense, but did come off the same way Biden did), then it will further alienate suburban voters.

    > Trump is also expected to attend an NFL game between the Steelers and New York Jets game in Pittsburgh Sunday that kicks off at 8:20 p.m

    Bold strategy, going to a game in a Democratic stronghold between two teams that represent cities that *hate* him. If he shows up on the jumbotron expect a fuck load of boos.

  15. >Donald J. Trump

    >>While I travel the Country, Joe sleeps in his basement, telling the Fake News Media to “get lost”. If you’re a reporter covering Sleepy Joe, you have basically gone into retirement!
    5:16 PM · Sep 12, 2020

  16. che-che-chester on

    If this continues, this will become a major attack point against Trump. He’s probably hiding a health problem.

    It almost makes you wonder if the Harris campaign already knew and that is why she just released her medical records.

  17. I am really disappointed in this. I was looking forward to hearing Mr Trump’s thoughts on bacon, Hannibal Lecter, sharks, space lasers, the wind not blowing, and the democrat’s new weather machine. At the very least I thought I could enjoy 40 minutes of music with Mr Trump.

  18. Critical-General-659 on

    Trump’s bombing on economic policy and J6. He’s out of ammo and there aren’t any reserves. Last night he botched answers relating to both while yelling restructured Nazi arguments about immigrants in front of immigrants on Univision. 

  19. He’s a frightened, frail, demented old man who wears a lot of makeup, because he’s insecure about his masculinity.

  20. Donald Trump runs from NBC interview the day after Harris fought for her campaign in FoxNews interview

    Should be the headline

  21. Ryanlester5789 on

    Should we start a rumor that Trump is actually dead and Vance is secretly running the campaign?

  22. He doesn’t need to campaign, his base is built in and not going anywhere. He could be on tape raping a toddler and his base would be like ‘yup he rapes babies, but at least he isn’t a demonrat’. They are going to cheat if they win and cheat if they lose.

  23. There’s definitely something medically going on with him and they are desperately trying to hide it and keep it under wraps. I’ve seen a few clips of him recently just slurring incoherent rambling that made absolutely no sense and I can’t believe it’s not being blasted all over the media. Regardless of your political beliefs, that man should be nowhere near the office of presidency.

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