Zelenskyy to Trump: Ukraine will have either nuclear weapons or NATO membership

Source: WalkerBuldog


  1. Yep. This is what all countries are going to learn from this. No nukes and your borders aren’t guaranteed. I bet we see an explosion of countries starting nuke programs.

  2. And which would they prefer? If they get nukes – i dont see why they wouldnt be afraid to use them because they are in an existential war.

  3. SomeoneRandom007 on

    Ukraine already has a lot of the knowledge to make nukes. They may have kept the physics data, maybe even bomb designs. What they won’t have is nuclear material. The easier bomb to make is Uranium, the best bomb to make is Plutonium… but Ukraine don’t have any plutonium. Or at least… probably don’t have any plutonium…

  4. Helping Ukraine win is the only way non proliferation has the slightest chance of remaining.

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