New ABS Data Shows Record Migration Intake Crisis Continues

Source: AssistMobile675


  1. >the federal government is treating Australians like fools

    Nailed it in the first line, though ‘treating’ would imply it’s a new occurrence, this started in 2004.

  2. ZealousidealClub4119 on

    The only good IPA is beer.

    The Institute for Public Affairs are a bunch of profoundly dishonest shills fuelled by dark money. Their MO is literally to start with the conclusions their paymasters want, then cast about for reasons to support them.

  3. The federal government increasing migration while state governments reduce housing approvals to cater to NIMBYs. I love the worst of both worlds.

    Also this institute is the same one that cheered on high immigration under the liberals, partisan hacks.

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