Dissatisfied Liberal MPs plan to ask PM Trudeau to step aside at next caucus meeting

Source: konathegreat


  1. He’s not going to leave. He thinks that nothing is his fault and that it’s Canadians fault for not paying attention. As we know. Nothing is the fault of Justin Trudeau.

  2. They can ask till they are blue in the face, dipshit isn’t going anywhere.

    Remember he can’t step down, Canada needs him.

  3. Angry_beaver_1867 on

    If the mps are indeed serious and are « back benchers «  they should vote no confidence if he doesn’t step down. 

    That would send a clear message to the PM  


    Why is everyone acting like the MPs haven’t been voting alongside each other the whole term.

  5. “Hey dude, we think you’re great and all, but maybe it’s time for someone else to be in charge…”


    “Oh well, gosh darn, we tried our hardest…”

    The only chance they have of making him listen is if they threaten to defect. Tell him that if he doesn’t step down, they’ll join that new Canada Future Party. Otherwise he’s not going to care.

  6. Didn’t they have a caucus retreat just last month? Why now and not then? It’s not like the dissatisfaction is a new thing.

  7. AmbitiousPalace on

    If these MPs finally have the courage to speak publicly about this after the private talks fail, we all get free entertainment ^_^

  8. the_sound_of_a_cork on

    “Irrelevant back benchers with virtually no translatable skills in the private sector are upset they are losing their high paying jobs”

    Fixed the title.

  9. BlakeWheelersLeftNut on

    If the Liberal Party were a ship and Trudeau was the captain. The ship would be Costa Concordia and Trudeau would be Francesco Schettino.

  10. Hot-Percentage4836 on

    A Justin Trudeau who has nothing to lose is a scary Justin Trudeau.

    Justin Trudeau pushing shade or facts about CPC MPs’ implications in foreign interference is a short-term move which creates diversion.

    In fact, J.T. has been sitting on this information all along.

    The fact that he uses it this week, while he could have revealed this information a while ago, has to do with the fact it is his turn to speak today, but could also have something to do with internal party conflict putting pressure over him.

    5 of the 35 MPs CTV News consulted *alledgedly* confirmed they endorsed the move to outs Justin Trudeau.

  11. PragmaticAlbertan on

    It’s extremely difficult, trying to convince a narcissist that they are the problem.

  12. You’d think a guy who grew up as the son of a PM would know how brutal the job is and steer clear of it

  13. SoilProfessional6440 on

    This is all PP propaganda. The guy with no security clearance. Oh, why can’t he man up and deal with foreign influence infiltrating his party. Critical thinkers….what/who is driving PP to appear so much like “the Donald”? PP = All bun, no beef.

  14. My Hail Mary prediction is that Trudeau calls an election instead of resigning so he can run against PP. He thinks he can win, but might think he can’t last until October 2025.

  15. LeadingBright9531 on

    I think if Trudeau really cared about Canada he would step down because he can’t win another election. People just fed up with him

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