JD Vance Awfully Quiet After Report on How His Mom Got Health Care

Source: Silent-Resort-3076


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  2. Silent-Resort-3076 on

    >JD Vance credited Donald Trump for his family being able to get off of Medicaid and onto private health insurance, at the vice presidential debate earlier this month. But he isn’t telling the whole story: that it was [due to Obamacare](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/10/12/jd-vance-mother-health-insurance-obamacare-aca/).

    >Vance’s mother was able to buy private insurance through the Affordable Care Act’s insurance marketplace, run by Ohio, after overcoming substance abuse, becoming financially stable, and earning too much to stay on Medicaid. At the debate, Vance was also referring to a cousin in Florida who got private insurance through the state marketplace, a campaign spokesperson told *The Washington Post*.

    >Vance said that Trump fixed a lot of issues with the ACA after Republicans failed to repeal the bill early in his presidency. But this belies the fact that Vance’s family members reaped the benefits of the ACA despite Trump and the rest of the GOP repeatedly attempting to undermine, and then remove, it.

  3. Ban-Circumcision-Now on

    Republicans: we climbed up the ladder extended down to us, so it’s time to pull up the ladder

  4. Alternative-Pause-14 on

    Makes sense, given his running mate’s [record on healthcare:](https://caseagainsttrump.carrd.co/#healthcare)

    * On January 21, 2017, Trump signed an [executive order](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/21/upshot/what-does-the-order-against-the-health-law-actually-do.html) targeting the Affordable Care Act, directing agencies to “waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay” ACA provisions “to the maximum extent permitted by law.”
    * On April 13, 2017, the Trump administration finalized a rule [slashing the Affordable Care Act’s open enrollment period from 90 to 45 days](https://www.cbpp.org/blog/trump-administration-finalizes-rule-that-will-raise-consumer-costs-discourage-enrollment-and).- On May 4, 2017, following the House passage of the American Health Care Act of 2017, Trump celebrated the [“very incredibly well-crafted”](https://www.voanews.com/a/trump-celebrates-house-passage-obamacare-replacement/3838297.html) bill in the Rose Garden. Its provisions allowed: * insurers to charge older Americans up to [five times](https://www.kff.org/affordable-care-act/issue-brief/how-aca-repeal-and-replace-proposals-could-affect-coverage-and-premiums-for-older-adults-and-have-spillover-effects-for-medicare/#:~:text=The%20ACA%20prohibits%20insurers%20from,bands%20(broader%20or%20narrower).) more than younger customers. * states to permit premium increases for [pre-existing conditions after coverage lapses](https://www.kff.org/affordable-care-act/issue-brief/how-aca-repeal-and-replace-proposals-could-affect-coverage-and-premiums-for-older-adults-and-have-spillover-effects-for-medicare/#:~:text=The%20ACA%20prohibits%20insurers%20from,bands%20(broader%20or%20narrower).). * insurers to [reinstate annual and lifetime coverage limits](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/5/4/15539010/ahca-lifetime-limits). * states to [waive essential health benefits](https://www.vox.com/the-big-idea/2017/6/23/15862268/waivers-federalism-senate-bill-essential-benefits) requirements.
    * Facing Senate defeat of the original AHCA, Trump championed the alternative “Health Care Freedom Act of 2017,” projected by the CBO to increase premiums by [20% and leave 16 million more uninsured than under the ACA](https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/115th-congress-2017-2018/costestimate/s.a.667.pdf), a bill ultimately sunk by John McCain’s decisive vote against it.
    * On August 31, 2017, the Trump administration announced a [90% cut to the Affordable Care Act’s advertising budget from $100 million to $10 million](https://www.vox.com/2017/8/31/16236280/trump-obamacare-outreach-ads), despite a study published in Health Affairs demonstrating that counties with higher volumes of local insurance advertisements during the initial open enrollment period experienced significantly larger reductions in uninsurance rates.
    * In September 2017, the Trump administration announced plans to [shut down healthcare.gov, the ACA insurance enrollment website, for 12 hours nearly every Sunday](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/health/obamacare-signup-site-shut-12-hours-nearly-every-sunday-open-enrollment) during the upcoming enrollment season.
    * The Department of Health and Human Services under the Trump administration repurposed its ACA outreach budget to [produce 23 anti-Obamacare video testimonials](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/09/04/us/hhs-anti-obamacare-campaign.html) featuring carefully selected individuals claiming to be “burdened by Obamacare.

  5. Because he’s a wildy dishonest empty suit who stands for noting but the acquisition of power for himself?

  6. hillbillyspellingbee on

    And because he tried to blame her drug addiction on immigrants when he admitted she was stealing drugs from the hospital where she worked. 

    He’s slick but he’s still dishonest and can’t remember what lie he told to who. 

  7. augustusleonus on

    Vance is glib as fuck, but full of shit

    If pushed he will shift the blame to the Harris administration which has had 4 years to offer a better alternative to the ACA which would have collapsed without trump in office and then chastise you for having their audacity to fact check him

  8. >


    Thanks Obama.

    This is like all the red state Reps and Senators taking credit for IRA/infrastructure projects they voted against. Must be nice having constituents that research absolutely nothing.

  9. “Mom, I don’t care that you’re at your dialysis appointment right now, I need you to cancel your plan, you’re making me look bad in front of my friends!” *stamps feet*

    – JD Vance, probably

  10. Tldr – Vance is actively working with Trump to repeal portions of the ACA that benefit his own family members while simultaneously claiming (falsely, and in contrast with Vance’s own 2017 assertions to the contrary) that Trump is actually the one that implemented the healthcare policies that benefit those same family members.


  11. TreenaFashionable on

    Trump taking credit for Obamacare is wild. He spent years trying to kill it, but now wants props for something he barely touched?

  12. StaceyElegant1 on

    Wasn’t JD Vance a supposed successful venture capitalist? Wouldn’t he have the resources to make sure his mother would have health care coverage? Why would he need to allow his Mom to use socialism to get healthcare?

    Is it because he’s greedy? Is it because he doesn’t love his Mom? Is it because he has no principles? Is it because he’s a craven narcissist who doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself? Is it because he has no personal standard of morality and is willing to say anything and act any way that’s necessary in his relentless pursuit of power?

    Just asking questions.

  13. People should be more scared that when a re-elected Trump has a severe stroke months into his second (golf) term, we will be contending with President Vance. Except we won’t have millions of instances of brazen rape, business fraud, incest enthusiasm, idiotic tweets, criminal children, birtherism, drag shows with Giuliani, decades of Russian money laundering and all the other stuff it’s easy to discredit Trump with.

    Yes, Vance’s adult life is kind of ugly and fake when you put it under a magnifying glass. But it’s not as easy for the average person to understand why he’s a less prolific villain.

  14. Why hasn’t she voluntarily committed ättestupa and jumped off of a cliff to her death? That is the world envisioned by her son

  15. JD thinks his mom should be in a high risk pool that costs 10x as much and is loaded with exclusions such as for her pre existing conditions.

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