Ted Cruz Exposed as a Scammer in Embarrassing Debate Smackdown

Source: winduken


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  2. abstract-pigeon on

    Don’t understand how anyone could vote for this guy but they seem to elect him time and time again. I really hope this time is different. He seems to have little interest in his constituents, trucking off to Cancun when his people are in a crisis and then trying to alleviate it with some BS excuse (“Oh I was coming right back after dropping my daughter off”), what a bunch of bull. It’s time boot him out …. don’t let the door hit ya where the lord split ya pal !

  3. MyDarlingCaptHolt on

    There are good Democrats in Texas.

    And there are Democrats in Texas who don’t get off their asses and vote.

    And then there are Republicans in Texas who vote for Ted Cruz.

    I will not allow them in my home, I will never hire them, I will never do business with them, I will never enter into a contract with one, I will openly and vocally shun and shame them whenever I see one.

    If you aren’t openly condemning every Republican you see, you are literally inviting the Nazis to take over America. We cannot stand for this.

  4. bigbeatmanifesto- on

    Even republicans don’t like him.

    Are Texans so scared of democrats they keep voting this POS in? Children froze to death in their beds while he sat on a beach in Cancun. A public servant who actually cares about his constituents would have been on the ground helping.

    Imagine if a democrat had fled to Mexico?

  5. Two things I wish Alred had said/done:

    1 Reminded Ted the only person he’s running against is on stage and if can’t face him without naming dropping the 2020 presidential winner and vice president then he needs to go home.

    2 point out Ted has been busy. Taking a case to the SC to further weaken politically bribery by allowing politicians to give whatever loan they want to their own campaigns and to be paid back not immediately but whenever they want from fund campaigns. So working hard to enrich himself.

  6. Doesn’t matter. They can’t be embarrassed because they have no shame.

    Edit: The only way to win is to mobilize more people who don’t normally vote.

  7. Why are Texans so willing to vote for incompetent candidates like Ted Cruz? The guy has absolutely no redeeming qualities. He’s like the Mayor Adams of Texas, but they keep re-electing him.

  8. David_Tazziberry on

    Cruz has been seriously struggling in his Senate race against Allred, and on Tuesday, it seemed that Allred dealt several critical blows to the Texas Republican.

    In his closing remarks, Allred didn’t hold back.

    “We’re all Americans, and we’re all Texans. We need a leader who will bring us together around our shared values. That’s what I’m trying to do during my six years in Congress. That’s the exact opposite of what Senator Cruz has done,” Allred said.

    “Whatever he says tonight, you’ve seen it for 12 years. He’s been one of the most divisive senators in the entire country. If you don’t like how things are going in Washington right now, well, you know what, he is singularly responsible for it.

  9. Favorite part is when Allred discussed the spike on maternal mortality in Texas with the abortion ban and he said “he says he is pro life but ladies make no mistake he doesn’t mean yours” or something similar. Yessss!

  10. Mundane_Athlete_8257 on

    Man, if Texans elect Ted again they get what they deserve. Same goes for President. Is Trump wins again… then I guess we deserve to face the consequences of our racism and misogyny

  11. The linkage between problems in Washington and problems in Texas and Ted Cruz can’t be overstated.

    The question is will enough people care? Or will they continue to complain but refuse to fix the problem?

    Kinda like Trump and border bill.

  12. ToddlerOlympian on

    >The Republican senator has been funneling the payout from his podcast, Verdict With Ted Cruz, straight into a pro-Cruz super-PAC called “Truth and Courage.” According to iHeartMedia and Cruz, the senator is simply “volunteering” his time, and the massive payouts are just “digital revenue.”

    It’s astounding this kind of thing is legal.

  13. Elegant_Plate6640 on

    I don’t know what a state senator’s workload is, but I don’t think they should have enough time for a daily podcast.

  14. Rafael Cruz tries so hard to look macho by growing out his beard but nothing can hide the face of a blobfish.

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