All party leaders should get security clearances to fight foreign interference: Trudeau’s chief of staff

Source: WandangleWrangler


  1. How about electing politicians that are loyal Canadians. How about taking care of Canadians first. How about making politicians financial information public and subject to scrutiny by the public.

  2. ArrogantFoilage on

    Yeah, OK Katie /s

    This is the most Katie Telford answer imaginable. She managed to use a Liberal talking point here, that she probably came up with.

  3. Shadow_Ban_Bytes on

    Right – and how come the PMO/caucus won’t releae names of those MPs and other implicated in foreign interference?

  4. PunkinBrewster on

    Will all parties get to discuss what they learn in earnest, or will they be prosecuted for leaking state secrets?

  5. Telford, in full scramble mode, continues to try and divert attention away from her office’s corruption.

  6. Oh really? do tell me how everyone WITH clearance has been leading the charge against foreign interference? because for over a year no-one’s done shit.

  7. Fight foreign interference by releasing the names of 11 MPs and senators implicated in the NSICOP report.

    Go on Katie, do it.

  8. Hot-Celebration5855 on

    Something big is about to come out. These guys are throwing everything at the wall all of the sudden

  9. If you take security clearance that you can’t talk about what you think. Conservatives are smart make sure to show the truth not lock people down from the truth

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