Trump’s Bizarre Turn At Town Hall Has Critics Asking New Questions About His Health

Source: fornuis


  1. Trump voters are used to ignoring their candidate. They will vote for him because the don’t believe he will do what he says. He will do the terrible things he says he will. Let’s not have buyer’s remorse from Trump voters if they succeed in putting this horrid person back in power.

  2. Actual__Wizard on

    >The Q&A event was paused when someone in the crowd fainted, then paused again when someone else fainted in the room, which Trump complained was too hot.

    >“Personally, I enjoy this. We lose weight, you know,” Trump joked. “No, you lose weight. We could do this ― lose 4 or 5 pounds.”

    >After the second person fainted, Trump decided to ditch the Q&A.

    >“Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music,” he said. “Let’s make it into a music fest. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?”

    I wonder how much cash they raked in?

  3. Oh for fuck sake. We have three weeks left until the election. No Trump supporters give a shit about how sick, malicious, moronic, or criminal he is. They don’t even care when he hates on our country and sabotages recovery efforts to red states. This idea like their are “new questions” about his health is just noise.

    Vote like the future of our country depends on it. Because it does.

  4. They all are missing the most important thing about this whole charade. After two people fainted and had to be medically taken away, Trump asks if there’s anybody else in the crowd who would like to faint. In other words, who else has the audacity to interrupt me?

    And then the other important takeaway is what cheap SOB has an event in a place that’s so god-awful hot that people are fainting? How many people have fainted or had medical emergencies at a Harris event? Maybe some of the MAGAites should ask themselves how many shootings, faintings, heat strokes, and other maladies have followed the Trump circus? Maybe that’s something to think about in terms of how prepared this POS is to lead the country again, especially if God forbid we have another Covid-like disaster.

  5. At this point lets just assume that JD Vance is the real candidate. Trump might be quietly disposed off once he moved the GOP back into power, after which JD and his merry band of fascists will try to give the US a complete do-over for the benefits of the oligarchy that put him in power

  6. This fucking guy spent a half hour swaying to his own play list in front of a crowd during a televised town hall when he was supposed to be taking questions. This wasn’t a rally, this shit was on PBS. The amount he has mentally declined in the last two months is astonishing.

  7. It’s not just his health – this also shows how lazy and uninterested Trump is.

    He doesn’t *want* to answer questions from voters. He just wants to play golf, rant at his rallies, and stay out of jail.

  8. AcrobaticSource3 on

    I know it’s not the point of the article, but damn, Kristi Noem is such a sniveling sycophant

  9. Schmedricks_27 on

    Oh look, now that Harris put out a tweet about his bizarre episode, an article comes out actually questioning his health in the headline. The media was so ready to sanewash and not report on this until she forced their hand lol

  10. 30 plus minutes of him alternating between the double dick dance and swaying, looking like Lurch and lip syncing

  11. George_the_poinsetta on

    The is something on you tube titled ‘a compilation of Trump dancing’. I might turn in my whole family – maybe just not my dog – to get out of being forced to watch this.

  12. Trump is bad, there’s no denying it. In every measure he’s found wanting. But the people who support Trump are even worse. They are the fanatics becoming more emboldened and stirring each other on. They are the ones who want a new generation of Nazis to rule. They are the reason there is a Donald Trump as a candidate. They are the real danger.

  13. tamsui_tosspot on

    >He called on his audio team to play “a couple of really beauties,” then stayed on stage for 40 or so minutes more, swaying to the songs, mouthing some of the lyrics and occasionally moving his hands to the music.

    Turned a town hall into a nursing home activity.

  14. What was the audience thinking? I’d really like to know how they explain this display of a madman with dementia.

  15. Oh sure, “new questions”.

    Not at all like the questions people have been asking about his mental health since the great “Person Woman Man Camera TV” era.

    I bet he could still remember those words! And in order! Nobody does that!

  16. “So let’s just get him into the White House first, then we do a switcheroo and get JD to slide on in!”

  17. The story will be about the bizarre ending, and it’s certainly noticable, but as someone that tries to watch a few trump events, only taking breaks for my own sake I decided to watch this in full for the first time sense the debate.

    Even by his own standards, Trump’s decline in recent months is so severe and shocking that I truly cannot understand how it is not a more pressing issue for Republicans. The clips do not do it it justice, it’s not just some gaffes, or some specific horrible take, it is so confused, meandering, hateful, and alarming to witness play out in full.

  18. He’s clearly demented — so stop asking questions and get him to the old folks’ home.

  19. heckin_miraculous on

    Wouldn’t be surprised if one day this week he’s going to have a major health episode.

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