Gregg Wallace denies inappropriate sexual comments

Source: bnanzaz


  1. ‘The BBC said it does not tolerate “any form of inappropriate behaviour” and has “robust processes” in place.’

    Are you sure?!

  2. “Quick find a pic of Gregggg looking serious, not smug.”

    “Best we can do, sorry.”

  3. Optimism_Deficit on

    The prosecution would like to enter into evidence almost every comment he has ever made on MssterChef over the last two decades

  4. Hot-Plate-3704 on

    How does The Sun have the gall to call others out for sexualised comments? They literally post topless pictures of teenagers.

  5. Black_Fish_Research on

    Can we just not have him on TV anymore?

    Even if he’s innocent, there’s something not right about him and he lowers the tone of anything he’s on.

  6. According to the Mirror article another thread linked before this, Wallace had basically been pulled into a meeting six years ago and given a bollocking for taking his shirt off and making comments about his sex life with his wife in front of a female colleague. He’d been disciplined, it didn’t happen again, and I don’t think there was ever any indication he was making any kind of advance towards the person who heard him make the comments.

    Seems like something of a nothingburger, when it seems to have been appropriately dealt with back when it happened.

  7. A BBC presenter having a relationship with a consenting adult. No wonder he got in trouble

  8. Empty_Substance_8591 on

    Look, it’s Greg Wallace, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had said something. Who knows if it was malicious.

    TIL that calling a man bald can be considered sexual harassment according to a high court judge, so I’m quite sure a few of my folically challenged friends at work will be reporting me to HR shortly.

  9. SingerFirm1090 on

    Wallace is a gurning idiot, the phrase ‘risen without trace’ springs to mind.

    Like far too many on TV, Clarkson, Packham, Snow (Dan), all their shows are really just all about them.

  10. CountryMusicRules on

    It was 6 years ago and it wasn’t inappropriate anyway. Some people are just desperate to cancel others. It’s pathetic.

  11. notsureiwannabehere on

    The Mary Whitehouse genetic pool has won the evolutionary war. We are doomed to an entire history of these reactions. What joy.

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